B.Com 1st Year Business Regulatory Framework Examination Papers 2014
B.Com 1st Year Business Regulatory Framework Examination Papers 2014 :- This post is very useful for all the student. you will get full information Topic wise Chapter Wise Question Answer Mock Test Papers Examination Papers Definitions And Main Provisions Notes Available in over site parultech.com

Examination Paper
Note: This paper is divided into five Sections – A, B, C, D & E. Section-A (Short Answer Questions) contains one question of ten parts requiring short answer. All these ten parts are compulsory. Sections-B, C, D & E (Descriptive Answer Questions) each contains two questions. Attempt one question from each Section. Answer must be descriptive.
(Short Answer Questions)
Note: This Section contains one question of ten parts requiring short answers. Each part carries 4 marks. (4×10=40)
1. (i) Void’ and ‘Voidable contacts‘.
Ans. Refer to Unit-I, Sec-A, Q.2.
(ii) ‘Bailment’ and ‘Pledge’.
Ans. Refer to Unit-II, Sec-A, Q.9.
(iii) Doctrine of ‘Caveat emptor’.
Ans. Refer to Unit-III, Sec-B, Q.4.
(iv) ‘Wagering agreements void and not illegal. Examine.
Ans. Refer to Unit-1, Sec-A, Q.3.
(v) What are the unpaid seller’s rights against the buyer?
Ans. Refer to Unit-III, Sec-A, Q.12.
(vi) What is meant by ‘Endorsement of cheques’?
Ans. Refer to Unit-IV, Sec-A, Q.10.
(vii) Differentiate between bill of exchange and promissory note.
Ans. Refer to Unit-IV, Sec-A, Q.3.
(viii) Give the main features of Consumer Protection Act, 1986.
Ans. Refer to Unit-V, Sec-B, Q.1.
(ix) Write a short note on ‘Contravention and penalty’ under FEMA.
Ans. Refer to Unit-VI, Sec-A, Q.5.
(x) State the main objects of ‘FEMA’.
Ans. Refer to Unit-VI, Sec-A, Q.1.
Section-B, C, D & E
(Descriptive Answer Questions)
Note: Each Section contains two questions. Attempt one question from each Section. Each question carries (15×4=60) 15 marks. Answer must be descriptive.
2. A mere mental acceptance not evidenced by words or conduct is in the eye of law no acceptance! Explain.
Ans. Refer to Unit-I, Sec-B, Q.3.
3. Explain clearly the law relating to communication of ‘Offer’ ‘Acceptance’ and ‘Revocation’.
Ans. Refer to Unit-1, Sec-B, Q.4.
4. Define contract of indemnity. What is the difference between ‘Contract of indemnity’ and ‘Guarantee’?
Ans. Refer to Unit-II, Sec-B, Q.1.
5. Define agency. How is it created and how is it terminated!
Ans. Refer to Unit-II, Sec-A, Q.15.
6. Define the words ‘Consumer’ and ‘Consumer disputes’ under Consumer Protection Act, 1986. State whether a widow of a Life Insurance Policv-holder is a consumer under the ACT.
Ans. Refer to Unit-V, Sec-B, Q.5.
7. Who is ‘Authorised person’? Explain the main provisions regarding it and discuss the powers of Reserve Bank of India regarding instructions to authorised person.
Ans. Refer to Unit-VI, Sec-B, Q.3.
8. Write short notes on the following:
(i) Payment is due course.
Ans. Refer to Unit-IV, Sec-B, Q.6.
(ii) Modes of crossing.
Ans. Refer to Unit-IV, Sec-B, Q.3.
(iii) Endorsement.
Ans. Refer to Unit-IV, Sec-B, Q.7.
9. Neme Det Quod Non Habet (No one can give who possess not). Comment giving exception if any to this rule with suitable examples.
Ans. Refer to Unit-III, Sec-A, Q.10.
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