B.Com 1st Year Business Statistics Mock – III Papers

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B.Com 1st Year Business Statistics Mock - III Papers
B.Com 1st Year Business Statistics Mock – III Papers

 B.Com 1st Year

Mock Paper – III

Business Statistics


(Short Answer Questions)

Note: This Section contains one question of ten parts requiring short answers. Each part carries 4 marks. (4×10=40)

  1. (i) Distinguish between dispersion and skewness.

(ii) Give the names of four non-government statistical organisations. (iii) ‘Statistics are numerical statements of facts, but all facts numerically stated are not statistics’. Discuss and point out briefly. (iv) Find out median if mean = 20 and mode = 18. (v) What are the differences between primary and secondary data? (vi) Calculate Q, and Q3 from the following data: 6, 9, 12, 8, 14, 13, 10, 8, 11 (vii) Write merits and demerits of Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation. (viii) The rank correlation coefficient between marks obtained by some students in statistics and costing is 0.8. If the total of squares of rank differences is 33, find out the number of students. (ix) What are the different methods of measuring the cyclical fluctuations? Discuss any one. (x) What is meant by population census? Give its features.

Section – B, C, D & E

(Descriptive Answer Questions)

Note: Each section contains two questions. Attempt one question from each section. Each question carries 15 marks. Answer must be descriptive. (15×4=60)

Section – B

  1. Write a detailed note on two-dimensional diagram. Explain any two with suitable examples.
  2. Distinguish between a census and a sample survey. What are the principal steps in a sample investigation?

Section – C

  1. Calculate Fisher’s Ideal Index Number for the year 2006 with 2000 as base using the data:


Commodity Year-2000 Year-2006
  Expenditure (रू.) Price (रू.) Expenditure (रू.) Price (रू.)
X 300 10 150 10
Y 400 8 250 25
Z 420 7 200 40


  1. What is meant by correlation? Does it always signify cause and effect relationship between the two variables? Explain with illustration.

Section D

Explain the various models of time series.

  1. What do you understand by the term coefficient of correlation? Prove that it lies between-1 and + 1. Explain its importance.

Section –  E

  1. What is tabular presentation? How does it differs from classification? Also explain the process to construct a table.
  2. The number of runs scored by two batsmen A and B in different innings are as follows:


A 12 115 6 73 7 19 119 36 84 29
B 47 12 76 42 4 51 37 48 13 0

  Who is better run getter? Who is more consistent?

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