Modern Forms Of Communicating B.Com 1st Year Short Question Answer Notes
Modern Forms Of Communicating B.Com 1st Year Short Question Answer Notes :- B.Com 1st Year Unit Wise Chapter Wise Study Notes Question Answer Sample Model Practice Papers Chapter Wise Syllabus Knowledge Boosters To illuminate The Learning Mock Paper For Self-Assessment This Content Useful For Success In The Examination Of B.A, B.SC, M.Com, M.A Study Material Notes Topic Wise Content Fax; E-mail; Video Conferencing; Etc. International Communication; Cultural Sensitiveness And Cultural Context; Writing And Presenting In International Situations; Inter-Cultural Factors In Interactions; Adapting To Global Business.This Post Discusses All The Topic Of Modern Forms Of Communicating.
Section A
Q.1. What are the main advantages of modern form of communication?
Ans. Advantages of Modern Forms of Communication: Main advantages of modern forms of communication can be summarised as follows:
1. Message can be transmitted quickly and easily from one place to the another place with the help of modern communication means. In the latest method, not just time is reduced but distances are also getting shorter as well.
2. Modern ways of communication increase the connectivity of the people. Now with the help of cellular phone, one can easily keep himself connected with others from anywhere and at any time.
3. Teleconferencing can lead to substantial saving both in terms of money and executive time.The people situated at distant places can organise a meeting without travelling long distances as if they were all together in one room.
4. Copies of important documents including certificates, degrees, agreements and contracts can easily be sent from one place to another with the help of fax machine.
5. Modern way of communication also reduces the cost of sending messages. E-mail is far quicker correspondence than ordinary postage. Nothing is charged for sending and receiving e-mail even though the messages travel across the world.
6. With the help of modern ways of communication, the present business world is advancing towards less formal structure. It reduces the office paper work and enables the employees to work even without sitting at office.
7. With the help of e-commerce, the time required to create transfer and process a business transaction is reduced significantly due to automation.
8. Modern communication means also to provide better customer services. With the help of internet, we can get information about the product, its features, price and terms of sale, etc.
with ease and speed.
9. E-commerce is proving helpful in creation of new business markets. Now the information about the product can be shown to the customers on web sites and orders can be fetched easily. Thus, it helps to enter into new markets and provide easy and cheap access to the potential customers.
Q.2. Explain the mechanism and advantages of Fax.
Ans. Fax: Word ‘Fax’ is derived from facsimile. ‘Fac’ means ‘to make’ and simile means ‘like that. Thus, it means to send a similar copy of the original. Through fax, any document printed or handwritten, graph, chart, picture, etc. can be sent from one place to another place in the form of a photocopy with the help of telephone network. It takes hardly any time to send the matter in larger quantity to any place. Where the distance between sender and receiver is very wide, this system proves very useful and beneficial.
Mechanism of Fax Study Notes
For transmitting a message, a document is fed in the fax machine which is converted into electric signals. These signals are transmitted through telephone lines to another fax machine which recovers these signals into printed out hand copy. Then, the receiving fax machine sends a message confirming the receipt of entire message. Thus, it becomes clear that in this process both the photocopying and telephone processes work together. As in a photocopying machine, photocopies of the matter are obtained similarly in a fax machine, a photocopy is received by a person sitting at distant place.
Now, the use of satellite fax machine is increasing day-by-dav. In this system, satellites are used instead of using telephone lines. This system reduces the cost of sending messages and improves the quality and reliability as well.
Advantages of Fax Notes
Today fax service has become an important part of our daily working. Therefore, it is being used increasingly in business, trade, banking, insurance, education and various other fields. The main advantages of fax system can be summarised as follows:
1. The message can be sent easily and quickly with the help of this system. 2. Printed and written document can be sent easily in the form of photocopy to any concerned person.
3. In the absence of concerned person, fax machine can adapt the message.
4. It takes hardly any time to send message in larger quantity to any place. It is a very prompt system of communication.
5. There is no possibility of making alteration in the message to be sent through fax system.
6. The message remains secret in this system.
7. There is no need of typing the message in this system. It saves a lot of time in the business working
Q.3. What is cellular phone?(2018)
Ans. Cellular phone (mobile) is a cordless instrument used in communication which is very convenient and useful in handling even during journeys or whenever one is, can speak or hear through it any kind of transmission. It is not necessary for the speaker to know where the listener is. He can reach anybody, anytime and anywhere through a mobile phone. Through this facility, Short Messages (SMS) can be transmitted at a lesser cost.
Mobile set is operated on battery and is a small instrument which can be kept safely in a pocket or in a purse. It has a screen which can flash brief messages. With the help of a mobile, one can communicate with anybody who has a cellular phone or a landline number. Cellular phone and its service is much economical and is also getting popular.
Q.4. What is video conferencing?
Ans. Video conferencing is an excellent technique of audio-visual communication. People present at distant places can communicate with each other, like attending a meeting or conference in a meeting room. Under this system, a meeting is conducted using television displays of the participants who can see one another on television screen and can hear one another. In this way, they exchange their views. In this technique, not only the communication of message is possible, but also concerned person can talk directly among themselves and their postures, facial expressions, gestures, etc. also help in communication of the message.
In real sense it is a substitute of face communication. Video conferencing can be accomplished in two ways:
1. By Using Computer: It is known as computer conferencing and for this, computer, web camera telephone connection and internet connection are required.
2. Without Using Computer: Video conferencing without the use of computer, needs digital web camera, video conferencing machine, telephone, satellite connection and projectors.
Q.5. Explain the importance of video conferencing in communication.
Ans. Video conferencing is an excellent technique of audio-visual communication. People present at distant places can communicate with each other like attending the meeting or conference in a meeting room. Thus, it is a substitute of face-to-face communication. Main advantages of video conferencingare as follows:
1. In video conferencing, persons sitting at distant places in different parts of the world can communicate with each other as face-to-face conversion, therefore, there is no need to travel long distances to attend the meeting or conference.
2. Big business organisations are using this system to conduct business meetings with the concerned executives who are geographically scattered all over a region.
3. It provides facility to an organisation to make fast and direct communication with its various departments and branches situated at distant places.
4. This facility saves time and money on making long tedious journeys.
5. Body movements, facial expressions, etc. which also communicate feelings, attitudes, etc. can be seen in this technique.
Q.6. What is brainstorming?(2016)
Ans. Brainstorming is the name given to a situation when a group of people meet to generate new ideas around a specific area of interest. Using rules which remove inhibitions, people are able to think more freely and move into new areas of thought and so create numerous new ideas and solutions. The participants shot out ideas as they occur to them and then build on the ideas raised by others. All the ideas are noted down and are not criticised. Only when the brainstorming session is over, the ideas are evaluated.
Thus, it can be said that:
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