B.Com 1st Year Introducing Business Communication Long Question Answers Notes

1. Idea: The process of communication begins with the origin of idea. The idea is an abstract phenomenon, but it is incomplete unless it is communicated. It is the process through which abstract gains shape in the end.

B.Com 1st Year Introducing Business Communication Long Question Answers Notes

2. Communicator/Sender: This element is as important as the Prime Minister in a democratic country. The process of communication depends on the identity of the communicator-who, why and what etc. The communicator is an individual or an organisation who is held responsible in context of the

communication. For instance, the role and responsibility of an editor of a newspaper is held responsible for the communication. A good communicator must possess the following characteristics:

 (a) Subject clarity, (b) Language command, (C) Understanding of collective aspirations, and (d) This must be borne in mind that each word of his is to  reach countless people where there is no room for any error, inadequacy,ambiguity and lapse.

3. Message or Introduction: It is an important factor in the process of communication. There is indeed no scope of any irrelevant word in the message which is difficult to interpret. If it is said that the message and its language is determined by the communicator which is destined to reach several people and has a contextual interpretation. Since the message does not reach the people on foot but is conveyed through the vehicle of a channel which gets influenced by the targeted sum of people. A good message must have the following characteristics:

(a) Simplicity of language, (b) Clarity in language, and (c) Competence in language. In order to understand its language, no interpretation is required or necessitated.

For example, if we want to convey a message on ‘Smoke-Prohibition’, we need a medium like T.V./Video, etc. for the purpose. If it is communicated through a newspaper, it would not produce the desired or anticipated result.

4. Medium or Transmission: A message is conveyed by means ofverbal, graphic, speech, discourse, radio, T.V. and Cinema, etc. which are the channels of communication. The right channel and its fallout depends on the preference of the audience. If the distance is minimal between the communicator and the receiver, the communication can take place face-to-face. Communication has the following channels:

 (a) Print Media: Newspaper, magazines, journals, books, pamphlets, calendar, diary and

advertisement, etc. This channel is intended for the literate group of people:

 (b) Electronic Media: Radio, T.V. pictures and video etc. which are electrically operated.

 (c) Traditional Medium: Art and culture, which are the integral parts of the integrity of our life, e.g.

folk art, folk music and songs, proverbs and phrases, festivals, fairs, religious congregation and

nocturnal ceremonies, etc. On international level, it can be a public fair and a festival of India etc

-5. Receiver or Group: The communication is intended for whom? The answer is the receiver or group. If the message does not reach the intended receiver, it remains inconclusive and thus a fiasco. A receiver of communication must have the following characteristics: (a) to receive the message in let and spirit, and (b) acquaintance with the subject-matter.

6. Feedback: This is the concluding phase of the process of communication as it is finally acnowiedged by the intended receiver and not acknowledge. To confirm it, the feedback can be  obtained from the receiver. There are many ways to get the feedback, e.g., surveys, signature campaign,qucsuonnaire and acknowledgement card. etc. After going through all these processes, the feedback is subjected to an analysis or evaluation and on the basis of analysis, the message can be altere needed. It is a significant element in the process of communication.

Basic Forms of Communication Process

The following are the basic forms of communication process:

1. Horizontal Process: When communication flows like a straight line from sender to the receiver of a message, it takes the shape of horizontal communication process. It is also known or stated as oneway process of communication.

2. Circular Process: Circular process of communication is all about to complete communication making like a circle. When communication is completed by making a circle, it is stated as circular communication process. This process is also called as on going process.

3. Two-way Process: Two-way communication process is the steps of two-way communication system. In such process, sender sends a message using some intermediary channels and the receiver of that message makes a response to the sender what is called as feedback. In this communication process, proper feedback is expected. And that’s why it makes this process as effective communication process. This process of communication is called as reciprocal process.

A communicator can use any of the above process of communication to make effective communication or acquire the objectives of communication. Naturally, to acquire the objectives of business communication, a strategical management chooses a communication process where it suits the best.

Q.6. What is feedback? Explain the process, methods and guidelines for developing effective feedback skills. Or What is feedback?

Ans.                                 Meaning of Feedback

 Feedback is last and the most essential element of communication process. A communication process is said to have feedback, when the receiver of the message has given his response to the sender’s message. With the help of feedback, the communicator comes to know how well the message has been received by the receiver, understood, interpreted and acted upon. Thus, it can be said that sending back the response about the message to the communicator is known as feedback and is not an effective communication.

Process of Feedback

In a communication process message is considered effective only when there exists Pro for feedback. Feedback process includes the process through which receiver of the message send his reaction or response to the sender. Process of feedback, in a communication process, can be explained as follows:

Feedback is probably the most important technique of improving the communication. It is necessary to understand immediate reaction which would help in a great way in the decision making process.

 Methods of Feedback

Methods of feedback can be expressed as follows:

1. Oral Feedback: When receiver of the message express his reaction orally, then it is known as oral feedback. In this type of feedback, receiver gives his response in spoken words. Oral communication permits instant feedback which helps the speaker to avoid some problems. Oral feedback also helps both the parties in the communication, the sender or speaker, make his message clearer, the listener to interpret the message more accurately.

2. Written Feedback: When response about the message is given in written form, it is known as written feedback. In the written feedback, sender cannot get the instant feedback

3. Non-verbal Feedback: When receiver expresses his response with the help of body language, signs or symbols, then it is known as non-verbal feedback. Through non-verbal communication. feelings can be expressed in a better way.

Importance of Feedback: Success of communication process can be measured through feedback therefore the effects and importance of feedback should not be ignored. Importance of feedback can be clarified as given below:

1. Promote Good Relations: Feedback promotes good relations between management and employees and motivates or not the me people to do their best. Feedback creates mutual confidence and understanding between the management and employees.

2. Helpful in Effective Communication: Feedback is one of the important essential requirement of effective communication.

The manager who does not allow feedback, will be less effective

than the managers who receive feedback. Thus, the management

has to provide an opportunity of feedback for effective decision making.

3. Improvement in the Communication Process: Feedback                           

is probably the most important technique of improving

communication. It is necessary to understand the immediate reaction which would help in a great way in the decision making process.

4. Modification in the Message: Feedback enables the communicator to carry out corrections or changes in the messages to make them effective. It ensures that the receiver has received the message and understood in the same sense as sender meant for.

5. Avoid Errors in the Communication: Interface and interaction are possible in feedback. It avoids errors in the transmission of message and promote effective participation of the subordinates.

 Guidelines for Developing Effective Feedback Skills

The important guidelines for making effective feedback are as follows:

1. Focus on Specific Behaviour: Feedback should always be for specific behaviour not for general behaviour. If in the reference of feedback, it is said that our communication is not effective, then it is a general feedback and communicator will feel problem in improving his communication skill. But if in reference of certain point, ineffectiveness is focused then communicator can easily improve it.

2. Keep Feedback Impersonal: The feedback, particularly the negative feedback, should be descriptive rather than judgement or evaluation. The criticism should be reasonable and related to job but not personal.

3. Make Feedback Well Timely: A timely feedback is more meaningful and useful and helps in bringing about the desired changes. Therefore, feedback should be made timely.

4. A Keep Feedback Goal Oriented: Feedback should always be related with the goal of the message. The negative feedback should be directed towards the recipient’s goal.

5. Ensure Understanding: For effective feedback, it must be ensured that the receiver understands the messages clearly and fully. If meaning of the message is not understood properly by the recipient, it is not an effective communication.

6 Control on Direct Negative Feedback: Direct negative feedback towards behaviour of the sender must be controlled as it discourages the sender. In case of negative feedback, suggestions for improving the communication must be given.

Q.7. Define oral communication. Discuss the advantages and limitations of oral communication.

Or What do you understand by oral communication? Describe the limitations of oral communication

Ans. Oral Communication: It is one of the earliest as well as the most widely practised medium of communication. Oral communication is the form of communication in which message is transmitted in spoken words. In oral communication, the process is a face-to-face conversation and mechanical devices can also be used like telephone, internet, etc. It may take place in different ways such as

personal talks, telephonie conversations, seminars, interviews, speeches Po, etc. Oral communication saves time and provide immediate feedback In a face-to-face conversation, doubts, clarifications, explanations and questions can be asked and answered at once. In this process communication, verbal of communication, the receiver also come to know the body language of the sender.

Oral communication is a speedy, economic, flexible, clear and effective method of communication. But oral communication is not recommended in which formal record is required and when communication is lengthy and distant.


Advantages of oral communication are as follows:

1. Speedy and Simple Method: Oral communication is very fast, simple and economical method of communication. It saves the time involved in writing the message and also saves the money spent on stationary in an organisation.

2. Flexibility: Oral communication is characterised with high level of flexibility. The speaker can adjust his message and tone according to the situation. He is also free to modify or withdraw his comments,

3. Personal Touch: Oral communication proves helpful in making healthy climate in the organisation by bringing superiors and subordinates closer. Both the sides can understand each other fully and clearly. It helps in developing mutual faith and understanding.

4. Immediate Response: The main advantage of oral communication is that it provides immediate response to both the sender and the receiver. Each can ask questions for clarification and doubts can be removed at once. The speaker can easily understand the reaction of the audience.

5. More Effective: Oral communication is more effective in its nature as body language is used along with the words. It can be made even more effective at different times by the feelings of happiness, anger, respect, etc.

6. Secrecy: It is easier to keep oral messages secret because no record of communication is generally maintained.

7. Useful for Group Discussion: Oral communication proves helpful for communicating the groups. Therefore, this type of communication is widely used in meetings, seminars and conferences where different people can interact with each other.

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