B.Com 1st Year Introducing Business Communication Short Question Answers Notes

B.Com 1st Year Introducing Business Communication Short Question Answers Notes :- Study Material Notes Sample papers Unit wise Notes To B.A B.Sc B.Com M.A And Success In The Examinations Of M.Com Previous Year Question Answer Notes Is Available.


Q.1. What is communication? Give its characteristics.

Ans. Communication has been derived from the latin word ‘Communis’ which means to share. Communication may, therefore, be defined as sharing of information, facts, opinions, emotions and ideas, so as to create mutual understanding between people. Thus, communication is more than transferring information. It is a two-way process.

Characteristics of Communication: The characteristics of communication are as follows:

1. Communication is an ongoing process. When communication is absent, human activity ceases to exist.

2. Communication is essential in all types of organisations and at all levels of management. It pervades all human relationships.

3. Organisation communication consists of a flow of messages through serial networks. These are networks for problem solving, workflow, information sharing and socialising.

Q.2. What are the main objectives of communication?

Ans. Following are the main objectives of communication:

1. To give and receive information.

2. To provide advice.

3. To provide counselling.

4. To impart education and training.

5. To issue orders and instructions.

6. To receive suggestions.

7. To issue warning and notice.

8. To persuade people.

9. To motivate people.

10. To improve discipline.

11. To improve morale.

Q.3. Explain the nature of communication.

Ans. Nature of Communication: The concept of communication is universal and as old as human being. That is why different views have been expressed about the nature of communication. The nature of communication can be studied easily with the help of following facts:

2. Communication is both an Art and Science: Communication contains both the elements th of a science and those of an art. Communication is a science because it provides a set of princi which can guide the management to find a solution to the specific problems. It is also an art as it  develops new situations, new designs and new systems needed for further improvement. Thus, it be concluded that communication is both an art and science.

3. Communication is a Universal Process: The principles and techniques of communication are universal in application but not necessarily and exclusively applied to only business. These are applied to social, religious, charitable, formal, non-formal, non-profit organisation also. The fundamental principles of communication are applied to all human activities from the simplest small group to great corporations and the public.

4. Communication is a Wide Process: Communication is not merely recognised as a process of giving information but it also includes to obtain the response of the other party and make corrections and changes in his attitude accordingly. The management can convey its expectations to workers and workers can put their suggestions and grievances before the management. Communication is the chain of understanding that integrates an organisation from top to bottom, from bottom to top and from side to side.

5. Communication is a Social Process: Communication is a social process as it enables everyone in the society to satisfy his basic needs and desires through exchange of written, spoken or non-verbal message. It is through communication that two or more persons interact and influence each other and consequently bridge the gap in their understanding.

Q.4. What is meant by business communication? What are its objectives?

Ans. Business Communication: The sharing of information between people within an enterprise that is performed for the commercial benefit of the organisation is business communication. In addition, business communication can also refer to how a company shares information to promote its product or services to potential consumers.

Business communication is goal oriented. The rules, regulations and policies of a company have to be communicated to people within and outside the organisation. Business communication is regulated by certain rules and norms. In early times, ‘business communication was limited to paper-work, telephone calls, etc. But now with the advent of new technical devices, we have cell phones, video conferencing, e-mails, satellite communication to support business communication.

Objectives of Business Communication: Following are some important objectives of business communication:

1. Conveying the Right Information and Messages: The effective communication keeps the people abreast with latest and updated information regarding business trends. The communication must be clear, brief and understandable to all those concerned in the right spirit as conveyed. Such kind of communication sometimes implies not only instructions but suggestions, too.

2. Contact with External Parties: An effective communication is not important only within the organisational structure but also with the outsiders. Establishing rapport with the extraneous elements adds to the reputation and furnishes the image of the organisation, which implies co-operation from all the quarters in the interest of the progress and success of the business enterprise.

3. Development of Managerial Skills: It helps the managers to understand the human nature and facilitates an understanding of the conduct of the individuals and the myriad activities going on in a business organisation which articulate the views, perception, emotions and aspirations of the people as participants in success of the organisation.

4. Effectiveness of Policies: Effectiveness is the key function of business communication. In business organisation, efforts are made to update the knowledge and skill of the employees from time time. They are made acquainted with new emerging business trends and, as such, training is also imparted to its employees according to their capacities and capabilities at various levels. Here, the communication plays its own constructive and effective role.

5. Implementation of Changes: The business climate in any business organisation never remains stable but ever remains in a continuous state of flux and any change, thereby, is healthy for the growth of business. A periodical change in the wake of the ever-changing scenario in local and global business environment, is quite natural and spontaneous and, therefore, inevitable and, thereby, an effective communication plays a vital role in turning the business in accordance with prevalent business strategies and trends.

Q.5. Write a short note on internal communication.(2014)

Ans. Internal Communication: It is the function responsible for effective communication among participants within an organisation. Many practitioners highlight that they are not responsible for the day-to-day intercourse between colleagues only but rather support in helping an organisation achieve its goals by building understanding and engagement.

Modern understanding of internal communication is a field of its own and draws on the theory and practice of related professions, not least journalism, knowledge management, public relations (e.g. media relations), marketing and human resources, as well as wider organisational studies, communication theory, social psychology, sociology and political science.

Q.6. What do you mean by communication model?

Ans. Communication Model: As we know that the process of communication is a mode through which a message is transported from one source to the other. No message can be complete without a feedback. In short, communication means the transmission of facts and thoughts from one person to another. The various constituents of communication process contribute to the formation of a communication model. It is that model which interprets the inter-relationship of the different constituents which are responsible in the formation of the process of communication. Communication model is that model which explains the inter-relationship between several components which constitute the process of communication.

Q.7. Discuss the importance of communication. Or ‘Communication is an essential part of a business’. Explain this statement. Or ‘Communication is the key of successive manager’. How?(2016)

Ans. Importance of Communication: Human beings have an inborn desire to communicate with each other. Man is a social animal and in order to socialise he makes use of language and body movements. Communication has become indispensable to the success and well-being of people everywhere. Communication is equally essential to organised activity and is an essential part of a business. An organisation is a goal-oriented group of people who must remain in continuous touch with each other in order to function together as a team. According to Herbert Simon, ‘Without communication there can be no organisation for there is no possibility then of the group influencing the behaviour of the individual

Communication is the vehicle through which basic management functions are carried out. Managers cannot plan, organise, direct and control without communication. It is no exaggeration to say that communication is the means by which organisational activity is unified, behaviour is modified, change is affected and goals are achieved. A manager typically spends three-fourth of his working day on communication and his success depends largely on his communication skills. So, communication is also called as the key of successive manager.

Sound communication plays a vital role in organisations in the following ways:

1. Efficient Planning: Accurate and up-to-date information concerning the external environment and internal conditions is necessary for taking right decisions at the right time. The quality of managerial decisions and plans depend largely on the quality of information and its effective transmission. Such information becomes available to managers through a proper system of reporting and consultations.

2. Motivation and Morale: Communication plays an important role in inspiring people to work hard and in fostering positive attitudes. Managers can increase the self confidence and job satisfaction of employees by keeping in close touch with them.

3. Coordination: Communication is the most effective means for unifying and integratina the efforts of individuals towards the common goals. It serves as a cementing force in the face narrow specialisation and facilitates team work. According to Gellerman, ‘An organisation can be more efficient than the system by which it transforms its members of what is expected of them that their effort will reinforce each other and create a momentum towards the attainment of the organisation’s purpose

4. Sound Industrial Relations: Communication creates a meeting of minds and a meeting of hearts. It can bring people closer to each other. Sound and open communication helps to improve relations between employer and employees and between employer and the trade unions. It helps to develop mutual co-operation and understanding thereby improving industrial harmony and industrial productivity.

Q.8. ‘Communication is a two-way process’. How?(2017)

Ans. Communication is a process which involves a lender of message and a receiver. Communication is complete only when the receiver is able to interpret the message as desired by the sender and responds to it. Communication is regarded as a two-way process. It includes sending of a message and the response to that message. The receiver may or may not agree with the point of view of the sender of the message. However, for communication to be complete, the receiver must understand the message in the same way as intended by the receiver.

Q.9. Discuss various forms of verbal communication.

Ans. Verbal Communication: Communication by using language is called verbal communication. It has the following forms:

1. Oral Communication: Oral communication exchange messages with the help of spoken words. In Oral communication, the two parties communicatethe sender and the receiver.

People exchange their ideas by speech either through face-to-face communication or by any mechanical or electrical means such as mobile, telephone, address system, etc.

2. Written Communication: Written communication refers to written words in the form of letter, memo, report, etc. when oral communication cannot combine each and every person concurrently.

3. E-mail Communication: E-mail is widely used as a form of business communication and overall it is a highly effective communication tool. E-mail is inexpensive, only requiring an Internet connection that is already present in the business. Although a printout of e-mails is possible, e-mails often stay as soft copies because archiving and retrieving e-mail communication is easy to do. From the CEO to the janitorial staff and even temporary employees of the business can send and receive e-mail.

Q.10. Give the advantages and disadvantages of oral communication.

Ans. Advantages: Advantages of oral communication are as follows:

1. Oral communication helps in getting quick response from the receiver.

2. Oral communication is time saving.

3. Oral communication is very economical.

4. Oral communication is personal in nature.

5. Oral communication is faster as compared to written communication.

6. Oral communication also provide the speaker to correct himself.

Disadvantages: Disadvantages of oral communication are as follows:

1. There are no documentary proof of oral communication.

2. Where the message to be conveyed is too lengthy, oral communication is not suitable.

3. There is every possibility that spoken words are not clearly understood or many be taken in some other sense.

Q.11. Write the advantages and disadvantages of written communication.

Ans. Advantages: Advantages of written communication are as follows:

1. It makes up the image of the company.

2. It can be checked for accuracy.

3. It is permanent.

4. Responsibility can be easily assigned.

5. A single message can be sensed through mailing to many people.

Disadvantages: Disadvantages of written communication are as follows:

1. It is time consuming.

2. Everything cannot be put into writing.

3. Written communication is very dynamic and flexible.

4. Written communication cannot be confidential because it passes through many hands.

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