B.Com 1st Year Introducing Business Communication Short Question Answers Notes
Q.12. Differentiate between oral and written communication. (2018)
Ans. Difference between Oral and written Communication
S.No. | Basis of difference | Oral communication | Written communication |
1. | Way of experession | Message is conveyed through spoken words. | Message is conveyed through written words. |
2. | Presence of parties | Presence of both the parties is essential. | Presence of both the parties is not essential. |
3. | Record | It does not provide a record for future reference. | It provides a permanent record for future. |
4. | Effectiveness | It becomes more effective with the use of body language. | It is less effective as it lacks personal touch. |
5. | Secrecy | Message remains secret. | Message does not remain secret. |
6. | Medium of communication | Face-to-face discussion, meeting, seminar, speech, telephone, internet, etc. are the main mediums of oral communication. | Letter, notice, bulletin, magazine, etc. are the main mediums of written communication. |
7. | Feedback | Immediate feedback from the receiver of the message. | Delayed Feedback from the receiver. |
8. | Time and money | Less time consuming and economical | More time consuming and expensive. |
9. | Suitability | For short and simple messages | For lengthy messages. |
10. | Flexibility | More Flexible as changes can be made according to the situation. | For lengthy messages. Less flexible as alternation cannot be possible. |
Q.13. What is meant by diagonal communication? (2017)
Ans. Diagonal communication takes place when persons working at a lower level interact with those working at a higher level across the limits of their reporting relationships. The persons who communicate are neither in the same work unit nor at the same level of organisational hierarchy. For instance, the production manager may communicate directly with sales officers in the marketing department.
Q.14. How does horizontal or lateral communication contributes to the efficient functioning of organisation?
Ans. Horizontal or Lateral Communication: Horizontal communication refers to the flow information and ideas between persons and departments at the same level of authority (peersli is communication among individuals and groups of equal rank or status. For example, production department may communicate with marketing department. Horizontal or lateral communication is a very frequently used channel. The main purpose of horizontal communication is to ensure mutual cooperation and coordination between peers and inter-dependent work units.
Horizontal communication occurs through both spoken and written words. Face-to-face exchange of views and conversation over telephone are examples of spoken words. These allow freedom of expression due to informal atmosphere. Doubts can be cleared on the spot and immediate feedback is available. Periodical meetings between heads of departments also enable persons of equal status to share information and ideas. Such discussions help to solve common problems and to create team work. Letters, memos and reports are written by means of horizontal communication.
Horizontal communication is essential for the smooth functioning of every organisation. The work of different employees and departments is inter-dependent. For example, the sales department cannot sell goods unless the goods are produced at the right time and cost and in right quality. Production department cannot do so until the purchase department procures the required materials and machinery. This is possible only when the finance department provides adequate funds at the required time. Horizontal communication keeps every department informed of the needs and activities of other departments. The main advantages of horizontal communication are as follows:
1. It helps to create mutual understanding and trust between people and departments,
2. It facilitates co-operation and coordination between different departments of the organisation.
3. It helps in setting interdepartmental and intradepartmental differences without the intervention of the management.
4. It makes it possible to solve problems at lower levels.
5. It is generally very effective because there are no status barriers. However, it may degenerate into gossip and rumours. There is a need to avoid such time wasting and counter-productive activities.
There are barriers to horizontal communication also. As each individual holds equal rank, none may take initiative to talk or write to others. This may create ice between colleagues. Some managers do not want their subordinates to communicate among themselves frequently on the fear that they may become too friendly and pose a threat to their authority. There is need to shed ego and communicate freely. Every employee should develop the habit of mutual consultations with his peers. Departmental heads should avoid unilateral actions and keep each other informed of their activities and problems. Employees at every level should keep their superiors informed of the flow of horizontal communication.
Q.15. Write a short note on non-verbal communication. (2014)
Ans. The term ‘non-verbal means ‘without words. Thus, non-verbal communication is the communication in which no words are used. The person who wants to communicate some messages to another, uses his expressions (body language). The other person (receiver) visualises as to what the first person is trying to communicate. There are two effective ways of non-verbal communication:
1. Use of some signals such as traffic lights, pictographs, sirens, telephone, rings, etc.
2. Use of body language such as nodding or shaking the head, gritting the teeth, raising eyebrows, pointing thumb or finger, raising hands, smiling, gearing, clapping, etc. Non-verba communication is known as gestural communication also.
Q.16. Write a short note on communication process.
Ans. Communication Process: The communication process is the inter-relationship between several inter-dependent components. It consists of a whole series of related action and reactions which together results in the sharing of the meaning. In order to understand how communication work, it is necessary to describe each of these components and how component part fits into the whole process. A simplified model of communication process is given in figure.
Q.17. What is effective communication? Give its significances.
Ans. Effective Communication: The success of a business is much dependent on effective communication. Effective and timely communication of values, competition, technological know-how, government regulation and other important informations relating to business environment is very much necessary for the very existence and success of business. It is a well-accepted fact that effective communication is necessary to make an industrial organisation effective.
Significance of Effective Communication: Significance of effective communication may be summarised as follows:
1. Life Blood of Management: Effective communication is as important to management as blood is to body. With the help of effective communication, a manager is able to give practical shape to many of his plans and objectives. With effective communication, he can convince other people with his policies and decisions. As the management is an art of getting things done through other people, it is communication that educates personnel working in the organisation with the desire of the management.
2. Helps in Planning: Effective communication provides facts and figures of past and present for effective planning Communication is the only medium to express and transit all the orders, guidelines, suggestions and sentiments. Effective communication is also needed to implement the planned programmes successfully.
3. Motivation: Effective communication enables management to change the attitudes of the subordinates and to motivate, influence and satisfy them. Good communication assists the workers in their adjustment with the physical and social aspect of work. It is the basis of participative and democratic pattern of management.
4. Basis for Leadership: Effective communication is the basis of leadership. Leader and his ollowers, both can create mutual understanding, trust and harmony with the help of effective communication.
5. Promotion of Industrial Peace: Peace is necessary in the organisation to achieve more roduction. Long strikes and lockouts bring the firms at the verge of insolvency. The employees should et proper information about organisation at regular intervals to avoid misunderstandings. Effective communication helps in managing information between employees to top management.
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