B.Com 1st Year Introducing Business Communication Short Question Answers Notes

Q.18. How communication can be made effective?

Ans. Communication can be made effective in the following ways:

1. Clarity of Purpose: Communication will be made effective if the sender is clear about what wants to say.

2. Shared Activity: Communication can be made effective if it is undertaken as a shared activity in which concerned persons take part to the best of their ability.

3. Use Feedback: Communication is effective only when the feedback is being used by the sender

4. Active Listening: Effective communication requires active listening on the part of receiver

5. Politeness: Effective communication should be polite.

6. Conciseness: In effective communication, the message should be concise and should not include unnecessary details.

7. Clarify Assumptions: Effective communication should never be based on assumptions. So, the sender must clarify the premises and then proceed with proper encoding of the message.

8. Completeness: A message must be complete for effective communication.

Q.19. What is audience? Discuss various types of audience.

Ans. Audience: Generally, it is believed that one who listens, is audience but in case of communication, audience is the person to whom a message is sent. In simple words, audience is the person to whom a message is sent. In simple words, audience is the receiver of the message.

Types of Audience: In a communication process, there may be five types of audience as under:

1. Initial Audience: The person who receives a message first and transmit it to others is known as initial audience. He is also known as ‘Carrier Audience!

2. Gate Keeper Audience: The person who decides whether message should be delivered to the primary audience or not, is known as gate keeper audience. He is the person, who has the power to stop the message from reaching to the primary audience.

3. Primary Audience: He is the real person for whom the message is sent. He has the authority to express his reaction on the message. Primary audience has the power to accept or refuse the suggestions of the sender.

4. Secondary Audience: Secondary audience becomes active only after the approval of message of primary audience. He may be asked to comment or to act on the message by the primary audience.

5. Watching Audience: Watching audience keeps an eye on the communication between sender and primary audience. He has no power to stop the message or to act directly.

Q.20. What is meant by audience analysis? Give its objectives.

Or Define the term audience analysis.(2014)

Or How audience analysis is done? (2018)

Ans. Audience Analysis: In communication process, the person who receive the message is known as audience. He is the focal point of entire communication process. Communication is completed only when the receiver under the message makes successful transmission of messages. It is necessary to know about the audience habit, perception, beliefs, sentiments and attitudes, etc. which effect the communications directly. Collection and study of information regarding audience such that who the audience are, what are their habits and emotions, what is their status, etc. is known as audience analysis.

Obiectives of Audience Analysis: Analysis regarding awareness of audience in communication depends upon mainly following four options, which are also known as objectives of audience analysis:

1. Audience Coverage: The first objective of audience analysis is to get information about the coverage of audience, le, how many audience are included in the diameter of communication. Which section, area or class of audience comes in the access of communication, etc. This is also known as audience reach.

2. Audience Response: The second objective of audience analysis is to get information whether the audience understand the message in its true sense or not. How they react about the message? Is the response according to their own expectation? Whether the audience has positive attitude, etc.

3. Communication Impact: The third objective of communication is to know the impact of communication on the audience. Has communication made any affect on the audience? Are attitude and thinking of the audience positively affected? etc.

4. Process of Influence: Which process is used to influence the audience? Which communication medium is used effectively in the communication? etc. are studied in the process of influence.

Q.21. Discuss the developments that have increased the need for effective communication.

Ans. Need for Effective Communication: Effective communication has always been essential for success in business. In recent times, communication has become more essential due to the following reasons:

1. Increase in Size: Business firms have grown tremendously in scale of operations. A larger business firm today employs thousands of people, in factories or offices in different parts of the world. The head office of the company must always be in close touch with branch offices. An efficient system of communication is required for this purpose.

2. Growing Specialisation: Narrow division of work results in different activities being handled by different departments. Due to narrow outlook, every department tends to overstress its own work. Sound communication is essential for ensuring mutual cooperation and understanding between different departments. Otherwise the organisation cannot function smoothly. If for example, there is no communication between production and sales departments, the sales department might book orders which the production department cannot supply.

3. Technological Advancement: Rapid changes in science and technology lead to obsolescence of technology and knowledge. In order to upgrade or modernise technology, management must persuade employees to accept new technology. Regular training of staff becomes necessary to upgrade their knowledge to provide them skills needed to apply new technology.

4. Cut-throat Competition: Liberalisation and globalisation have resulted in severe competition between public sector, private sector and foreign banks. Moreover, banks today have also to compete with various financial institutions. Persuasive communication in the form of advertisements, personal contacts and publicity becomes essential to survive in the race of competition.

5. Human Relations: Effective communication between management and employees is necessary to develop mutual trust and confidence. Participation of employees in the decision making process and other means of communication helps to develop among employees a sense of belonging and loyalty to the organisation

6. Trade Union Movement: In banking sector, employee unions are very strong and powerful. Management must consult union leaders on several matters. Regular exchange in information and Ideas between managers and union officials help to maintain healthy relations between them.

7. Public Relations: Society expects more and more from managers. Business has to keep government, distributors, suppliers, investors and other sections of society well-informed about its contributions to society. Public relation helps business to improve its image in society and big enterprises employ professional experts for this purpose.

Q.22. Explain PRIDE model of effective communication.

Ans. “PRIDE method is a combination of discipline and creativity and is a guide to effective communication. PRIDE is an acronym for five ‘how-to’ elements for skilful planning and carrying om any oral or written communication.

P: Purpose that the Sender is Trying to Achieve: The arget of mission of the communication Unless you know your exact purpose, communication failure is automatic,

R: Receiver (or Receivers) to Whom the Communication is Directed: The willingness and ability of the reader or listener to understand and accept your message. You must know the psychology and competence of the receiver in order to get anything across to him.

I: Impact Which is Needed: How your communication must affect the receiver if you are to achieve your purpose and influence him as needed. In other words, you must know what picture you want into the receiver’s head.

D: Design of the Communication: How it should be organised and developed to achieve the desired impact. Obviously, you must design your communication in light of the specific situation your confront.

E: Execution of Communication: The actual carrying out of your plan from the four preceding steps to a successful conclusion, even if you have succeeded in planning purpose, recognising the receiver, knowing the needed impact and constructing the appropriate design, communication will fall unless it is properly carried out.

The proper use of PRIDE can help in developing method useful throughout the life, once this method is learnt and its sequence become habitual.

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