B.Com 1st Year Business Regulatory Framework Mock Papers Questions
B.Com 1st Year Business Regulatory Framework Mock Papers Questions :- This post is very useful for all the student. you will get full information Topic wise Chapter Wise Question Answer Mock Test Papers Examination Papers Definitions And Main Provisions Notes Available in over site parultech.com

Mock Papers
Note: This paper is divided into five Sections -A.B.C. D & E. Section-A (Short Answer questions) contains one question of ten parts requiring short answer. All these ten parts are compulsory. Sections-B, C, D & E (Descriptive Answer Questions) each contains two questions. Attempt one question from each Section Answer must be descriptive.
(Short Answer Questions)
Note: This Section contains one question of ten parts requiring short answers. Each part carries 4 marks .(4×10=40)
1. (i) Explain the following—’void’ and ‘voidable contracts‘.
(ii) Distinguish between fraud and undue influence.
(iii) What are the rights of indemnifier and indemnified?
(iv) What are the different kinds of guarantee? How is continuing guarantee revoked?
(V) What are the rights and duties of a principal as against his agent? Explain.
(vi) Explain the implied warranties in a ‘contract of sale!
(vii) Differentiate between bill of exchange and promissory note.
(viii) State the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 relating to enforcement of order of the consumer forums’.
(ix) Explain current account transaction under FEMA.
(x) Write a short note on repeal and saving.
Section-B, C, D & E
(Descriptive Answer Questions)
Note: Each Section contains two questions. Attempt one question from each Section. Each question carries 15 marks. Answer must be descriptive. (15×4=60)
2. What are the various rights of a consumer under the Consumer Protection Act?
3. Define the term restrictive trade practice as used in the Consumer Protection Act, 1986.
4. What is a promissory note? Why are the bill of exchange, promissory notes and cheques called the negotiable instruments?
5. Distinguish between ‘holder’ and ‘holder in due course! Explain the special privileges granted to the holder in due course under the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881.
6. Define contract of indemnity. What is the difference between contract of indemnity and guarantee?
7. Explain contract. Discuss the essentials of a valid contract. Who are the persons disqualified from entering into a contract?
8. State the main provisions of Foreign Exchange Management Act.
9. Explain establishment and powers of Directorate of Enforcement.
Mock Paper – II
Note: This paper is divided into five Sections-A, B, C, D & E. Section-A (Short Answer Questions) contains one question of ten parts requiring short answer. All these ten parts are compulsory. Sections-B, C, D & E (Descriptive Answer Questions) each contains two questions. Attempt one question from each Section. Answer must be descriptive.
(Short Answer Questions)
Note: This Section contains one question of ten parts requiring short answers. Each part carries 4 marks. (4×10=40)
1. (i) Wagering agreements are ‘void’ and not ‘illegal’. Examine.
(ii) Write a note on free consent of parties.
(iii) Define bailment and give its characteristics.
(iv) What do you understand by contract of pledge? What are its essentials?
(v) What are the unpaid seller’s rights against the buyer?
(vi) Explain sale by auction.
(vii) Write a note on ‘bill of exchange’.
(viii) What is crossed cheque? –
(ix) What are the powers/rights of district forum?
(x) Write a note on authorised person under FEMA.
Section-B, C, D & E
(Descriptive Answer Questions)
2. Discuss the important provisions and jurisdiction regarding the national consumer commission
3. What do you understand by endorsement? Explain different types of endorsements. What are the general principles governing the endorsement?
4. When is a negotiable instrument said to be discharged? What is the difference between discharge of an instrument and discharge of a party to an instrument?
5. State the circumstances when a buyer gets a better title on goods than seller.
6. Define pledge and state the respective rights and duties of pawnor and pawnee.
7. Who can enter into contract? What is the effect on a contract of incompetency to contract? Discuss the law relating to minor contract.
8. All agreements are void in the absence of an agreement. While explaining this law, explain its exception with illustration.
9. Who is authorised person? Explain the main provisions regarding it and discuss the powers of Reserve Bank of India regarding instructions to authorised person.
Mock Paper-III
Note: This paper is divided into five Sections.-A, B, C, D, question of ten parts requiring short answer. All these ten parts are compulsory. Sections – B, C, D & E (Descriptive Answer Questions) each contains two questions.” Answer must be descriptive.
(Short Question Answer)
Note: This Section contains one question of ten parts requiring short answers. Each part carries 4 marks. (4×10=40)
1. (i) Write a note on proposal and acceptance.
(ii) What do you understand by lapse of an offer?
(iii) Distinguish between pledge and bailment.
(iv) Explain the various modes by which an agency may be created.
(V) What do you mean by contract of sale? How is it formed?
(vi) What is meant by endorsement of cheques?
(vii) When is negotiable instrument said to be dishonoured?
(viii) Explain the types of consumer exploitation.
(ix) What are the two levels of Consumer Protection Councils?
(x) What are the provisions regarding the appointment of Adjudicating Authority?
Section-B, C, D & E
(Descriptive Answer Questions)
Note: Each Section contains two questions. Attempt one question from each Section. Each question carries 15 marks. Answer must be descriptive.
2. Discuss the legal consequences in case of delivery of wrong quality of goods.
3. Explain the kinds/types of endorsement.
4. Discuss the rules regarding ‘presentment for acceptance of negotiable instrument. State the circumstances under which such presentment is excused.
5. What is contract of sale? Give its main characteristics. Distinguish between sale and agreement to sell.
6. What is bailment? Explain the rights and duties of a bailor in respect of goods bailed.
7. What do you mean by ratification? What are the rules governing ratification?
8. Explain clearly the law governing communication of ‘offer’, ‘acceptance’ and ‘revocation’
9. When is a seller of the goods deemed to be an unpaid seller? What are the rights against the goods and the buyer?
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