B.Com 1st Year Self Development And Communication Short Question Answers Notes
B.Com 1st Year Self Development And Communication Short Question Answers Notes :- Study Material Notes Sample papers Unit wise Notes To B.A B.Sc B.Com M.A And Success In The Examinations Of M.Com Previous Year Question Answer Notes Is Available.

Section A
Q.1. What do you mean by self – development? How will you improve self-development by communication?
Ans. Self-development: In the word self-development, term of a person like physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual qua refers to increase or maintain. Thus, self-development is intellectual, emotional and spiritual qualities in a person.
Self-development has a very close relation with communication process. These are related to each other as cause-effect of a system.
Improvement in Self-development by Communication Study Material Notes
An effective communication is highly indispensible for self-development or viceversa. Language proficiency, effective writing skill, body language and memory retentive power are the elements which together, contribute to self-aggrandisement.
An effective communication can bring about the following improvement in the process of selfdevelopment:
1. Body Language Communication and Self-development: The various manifestations of body language, such as emotional expressions, moods and other exercises increase the level of selfconfidence. Body language and its constant use helps an individual to acquire intellectual competence.
2. Oral Communication and Self-development: Oral communication and its various manifestations, such as speech, debate and seminars are the important factors in enhancing self-development If a speaker, after due introspection, addresses an audience with the support of facts and evidences, can considerably influence the audiences.
3. Written Communication and Self-development: Any written communication is the product of a thought. An idea is conceived first in the mind and a written message is the representation of that conception. Writing habit enlarges one’s imagination and perception. These traits lift the process of self-development.
4. Listening Capacity and Self-development: Listening habitis is an integral part of communication A successful businessman listens attentively to his clients. Any Suggestion from someone may prove beneficial. In short, and attentive listening is a first step towards personal-development.
Q.2. What do you understand by attitude? Discuss the kinds of attitude.
Ans. Attitude: The attitude of a person is an inner force that is
reflected in one’s behaviour. It is a mental process that requires and analysis of an individual, or ogranisation or a community. There is a difference and disparity between one’s performance and his attitude. An attitude is the choice of a person, his dislike or prejudice which exerts a strong impact on his behaviour.
Attitude is governed by environment and also by circumstances. It is influenced by static or fluid conditions, which reflect one’s purpose, circumstances, events and his psychological state of mind. Attitude is the mirror of one’s personality.
Kinds of Attitude
Normally, there are two kinds of attitude:
1. Positive Attitude: Positive attitude is the base of success of any person. It is reflected by selt. confidence, strong desires, loyalty towards work, etc. The person with positive attitude does not leave it even during stress.
2. Negative Attitude: Negative attitude is the root cause of failure of any person, Laziness, lack of self-confidence, avoidance of work reflects negative attitude. Such kind of persons loose comm little stress.
Q.3. How communication and attitude are related with each other?
Ans. Communication and attitude, both are mutually dependent on each other. It means wat influence each other in a direct proportional manner. The attitude of a person in case of persons communication exerts its influence on the subject-matter and its presentation in the proces communication. With the help of communication, an individual can develop a positive attitude because he acquires knowledge by means of mutual understanding, personal interaction, accruing informations about daily anecdotes and important events and all that comes through the process of communication which affects his personal attitude. In the modern era, education, health awareness, professional skill and cordial relationship are the gifts to the man from communication.
Q.4. Discuss the development of positive personal attitudes.(2015)
Ans. Development of Positive Personal Attitude
If we know the exactitude of persuasion, positive attitude can be developed. Persuasion means the process of forming, reinforcing or changing attitudes by communication.
However, this process is not self-generating. How seriously a receiver takes the message, determines the success of communication. Keeping somebody informed is a simple and an easy act but forcing or persuading to comply may not be possible. It is the reaction of a receiver that determines the importance and adoption of persuasion whether it would work or not.
Persuasion involves a dialogical approach:
1. Superficial Persuasion: By superficial persuasion, we mean to make a person understand others point of view and can be motivated on the basis of systematic factors. For instance, the audiences show more credibility in a speaker who speaks at length on the basis of facts and evidences, whereas in case of systematic persuasion, the process involves more attention, evidence and factual argumentation and wide-discussions. When an audience hears a message, understands the subject-matter and on the basis of it, gives his reaction accordingly in this case, it can be called as an effective communication. By means of such persuasive techniques, the fall out in terms of any change or transformation is long lasting and durable. Whereas, the superficial persuasive technique is more effective than the systematic persuasion.
2. Systematic Persuasion: Systematic persuasion involves the following four components:
(a) Attending Message: Attraction and fascination in any communication is the most important characteristic. In other words, a communication must draw the attention of its audience.
(b) Comprehending Message: The first and foremost function of any communication is to invite attention of the audience. But listening attentively does not guarantee a complete understanding of the message. The language used in communication must be colloquial, conversational or ordinary man’s speech because the most crucial part of the message is sometimes not understood and is proved to be ineffective. As such, the language must be simple, humorous, captivating and understandable.
(c) Reaction Message: Only transmission of message in co get it worked out is very essential. A message without its reach may be positive or negative, is another issue. The success of com its implementation. A receiver accepts a message completely on sustain the process of communication. When the reaction matter remains open to expansion and amendment.
(d) Acceptance of Message: A message gets materiaiseu adverse reaction, the message cannot be regarded as a valid mee a vital role in the process of communication. Acceptance becom the subject-matter. According to a modern concept, man is in opinion in the process of communication. If a message is cartun basis of a factual evidence, the opinions can be mobilised with a greater degree.
Q.5. Discuss in brief SWOT analysis. (2017) (2014,15)
Or Write a short note on SWOT analysis.
Ans. Meaning of SWOT Analysis: SWOT analysis is popularly used in strategic management where ‘S’ is referred as strengts,, ‘W’ as Weaknesses, ‘O’ as Opportunities and ‘T’ as Threats. This analysis in formulating the plans and strategy by which a firm can have maximum profit by utilising opportunities in best possible way. It helps in minimising business risks also.
Components of SWOT Analysis
Following are the various components of SWOT analysis:
1. Business Environment: It is a condition in which a person/group of persons or a professional carries out some kind of business.
Business environment can be split up into two parts:
(a) Internal Environment: The conditions in which a business is conducted, is known as business environment. The extent of business is more affected by the internal environment
which provides opportunities and conditions for progress and prosperity of business.
(b) External Environment: The conditions or elements which influence a business from outside are known as external environment. Due to this environment, both opportunities as well as challenges or threats are to be negotiated and encountered.
2. Strength: Every commercial enterprise is based on strengths and certain characteristics which are exploited in matters of competitions with business rivals and creates more opportunities for benefit and profitability. For example, the colgate Palmolive company has given emphasis on its research potential, as a result, is its dominance in the market.
3. Weaknesses: Every business organisation is marked with some weaknesses, and if not seriously dealt with, leads to disaster and inefficiency.
For instance, if a business relies only on one product, it becomes its weakness.
4. Opportunities: When conditions are congenial to the hoole opportunities in business which must be availed of. For instant rise, its production should be increased that provides an opportunaity for profitability.
5. Threats: When the conditions are detrimental to conduc organisation. For instance, when a substitute of its import becomes a threat and a challenge to the organisation.
From the above description, it is inferred that for achie SWOT analysis is available.
Q.6. Explain the concept of interdependence.
Ans. Modern era is the era of globalisation, liberalization, privatization and rising competition. In this era, industries are realizing the need of high performance and a motivated work force. It necessitates in erection and interdependence among different departments, different activities and different members. Group efforts are necessary for the existence and growth of business and management.
Interdependence implies a group of persons dependent on each other. Ideas, activities and expressions of these persons are alike in many respects.
Q.7. What do you mean by whole communication? Explain the channels of whole communication.
Ans Whole communication refers to that communication which is all comprehensive communication is a total sum of all elements, such as feelings or sentiments, values and perceptions. In a general process of communication, the receiver only acknowledges the facts of the message and also expects other other sentimental aspects feelings and value-based elements in the message. the transmission of message comes ransmission of message comes from different mediums or channels at different levels, as such, there is possibly a room for errors and impurities in a message. In such cases, mutual trust, values and contextual aspects and channels of receiving the message also get affected.
Channels of Whole Communication
Following are the channels of whole communication:
1. Feelings: Feelings refer to psychological action and reaction at a certain time and situation.
2. Facts: Facts refer to the belief of an individual on the basis of his experience and trust.
3. Values: These are the inherent beliefs and perceptions which are subject to constant flux and change in one’s thoughts which come from the culture, civilisation and the social environment.
4. Opinion: Opinion refers to a viewpoint formed by an individual at a certain time, certain situation and certain condition in the process of communication.
Q.8. What is corporate communication?
Ans. Corporate Communication: Corporate communication helps the people, in business, in analysing the important information and also helps in keeping the people of a business organisation united and organised and separating from the non-members from them.
Q.9. What do you mean by formal and informal communication?
Ans. Formal Communication: Formal communication means a communication at official level in accordance with organisational structure. It follows formal chain of command. It is widely used by officers and managers to issue orders and instructions to their subordinates. It is used by subordinates also to communicate suggestions, requests and complaints to their officers and managers. Formal communication is generally written. It takes place where every employee is on a
well-defined position or status. Such communication is between that flow of information two positions and not between two persons.
Informal Communication: This process of communication of command.' can be used between the employees and officers at two levels. There is no organisational provision for it. It is, usually personal and oral. Such as, nodding of head implies approval for it which entirely depends on mutual, cordial or friendly relationship. It is not essential for the message to be in written form. It is also possible not necessarily to speak and approval/disapproval can be expressed through body language.
Informal communication is also termed as 'Grapevine Communication' because of its intricate form like a grapevine without any orderly structure.
"The informal communication network carries information alongwith organisational's unofficial lives of activity and power.’
B.Com 1st Year Self Development And Communication Short Question Answers Notes
Q.10. What is formal communication network? Explain the influence as well as essentials of forma communication
Ans. Formal Communication Network: A formal channel or communication can be delines as a means of communication' that is normally controlled by managers or people occupying similar positions in an organisation. Any information, decision, memo, reminder, etc. will follow this path. Po example: An executive A, occupying a top position, passes an order to his immediate subordinate who, after retaining the useful information upto him, passes the desired order to the next man for necessary action and so on. In this way the channel is a formal one. In the same way, communication may travel from below and pass through stages or points, again reinforcing the formal smucare of character of the organisation.
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