B.Com Ist Year Social Injustice Question Answer Notes
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Social Injustice
Q. 15. Explain various indicators of social injustice in India Suggest measures for removing social injustice.
Ans. Socialinjustice means that all facilities and opportunities are not provided equally to all the sections of the society. In India there is considerable discrimination based on caste, religion, sex level of income, physical disabilities or for some other reason.
Like the problems of poverty, unemployment, regional imbalances and inflation, social injustice is also a important problem of economic development. There are number of causes for prevalence of social injustice which are largely of historical in nature. We have to give equal opportunities to all for development, so it is necessary that injustice should be eliminated. If a country does not make adequate efforts to provide social justice then all the dimensions of its economic development will remain incomplete. Social injustice includes exploitation of poor, backward classed and scheduled castes people, exploitation of women, exploitation and discrimination on the basis of caste etc.
With the help of following indicators, it can be found whether the citizens of the country are getting social justice or not:
(1) Human Development Index: It is an important indicator of social injustice. Human development index (H.D.I.) includes several factors such as education, health and the provision of basic social infrastructure. India ranks 136th out of 187 countries in terms of the UNDP’s human development index. In India improvements is made in educational attainment, health and basic social infrastructure. Thus, India make a significant progress in HDI and now the country has moved in the group of medium HDI. But still we have to pay special attention for the development of health, education, drinking water and other facilities to provide the social justice.
(2) Poverty : Social injustice can also be measured with the level of poverty in a nation. High level of poverty is an indicator of social injustice. According to latest data released by planning commission about 26.1% people are living below poverty line in India. Although poverty ratio and number of poors have reduced yet largest number of poor persons in the world live in India.
(3) Labour and Employment Conditions : The labour and employment conditions in a country is also an important indicator of social justice. High level of unemployment labour force is an indicator of social injustice. There has been rapid increase in the population and labour force in the country while there has not been required increase in the rate of growth of employment. This shows the condition of social injustice in the country.
(4) Education: The higher level of education is an indication of social justice in the country. Education plays a significant role in removing social injustice. It helps in population control and reducing infant mortality. But in India about half of the female population is deprived of education. Thus, to provide social justice in the country not only increase in total literacy is essential but it is also essential that none of the female population remains illiterate.
(5) Gender Development Index: Social justice can also be measured with the help of Gender Development Index (G.D.I.). High level of GDI indicates that social justice is being provided in the society. With the help of GDI discrimination on the basis of sex can be determined. Though the overall index on gender related to development has improved in India, yet it is still low in comparison to other nations.
(6) Population Growth Rate: Over-population creates many problems and will prove as hindrance in providing social justice. The population growth rate in India is very high. It has enhanced many problems such as poverty, unemployment, lack of health, education and infrastructural facilities. About 16.7% of the world population lives in India while it accounts for 2.4% of the world surface. Thus, to provide social justice, high rate of population growth must be controlled as early as possible.
(7) Development of Women and Children : If women and children are treated badly and their social and economical condition are poor then it shows the social injustice in the society. In India socio-economic condition of women is very poor. There are inadequate arrangement regarding health, nutrition, vaccination and pre-school education for the children. Thus, efforts should be made to improve the condition of women to provide social justice.
The government of India have attempted to reduce injustices, exploitations and discriminations through the various plans. The State and Central Governments also passed many legislations to protect them against exploitation. However, sustained efforts are still needed to reduce the social injustice in India. Steps taken by government for removing social injustice are as follows:
- Empowerment of Socially Disadvantaged Groups : Empowering the socially disadvantaged groups is the foremost requirement for ending social injustice. In India welfare programmes have been undertaken for scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, other backward classes, women and child labour.
(2) Empowerment of Women : Empowerment of women in aleo essential for ending social injustice. Initiative in the areas of training and capacity building, employment and income generation welfare and support services are being undertaken in India with the ultimate objective of empowering women both economically and socially and making them equal partners in development.
(3) Increase in Educational Facilities : For improving the level of education in the country, educational facilities should also be increased. For removing social injustice it is also essential that utmost attention should be paid to the quality of education.
(4) Development of Infrastructural Facilities : Infrastructural facilities such as electricity, water supply, education, medical facilities etc. should be developed in the backward areas at a rapid pace. It will help in removing social injustice.
(5) Removal of Poverty: Eradication of poverty is essential to provide social justice in the society. About 26.1% population of country is living below poverty line. Special attention must have to be paid for the upliftment of the poor people especially in the backward regions. It will help to maintain the social justice in the society.
(6) Check on Increasing Population: Due to rapid increase in population, there spread social injustice in the society. Therefore population should be controlled by educating the people and providing them essential facilities for population control.
(7) Increase in Employment Opportunities : Increasing unemployment is one of the most important reason of social injustice in India. Therefore, special attention should be given to increase the employment opportunities.
Short Answer Question
Q.1. Write the main indicators of Social Injustice.
Ans. See Page 66 and 87.
Q.2. Give suggestions for the removal of Social Injustice.
Ans. See Page 67 and 68.
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