Modern Forms Of Communicating B.Com 1st Year Long Question Answer Study Notes
Modern Forms Of Communicating B.Com 1st Year Long Question Answer Study Notes :- B.Com 1st Year Unit Wise Chapter Wise Study Notes Question Answer Sample Model Practice Papers Chapter Wise Syllabus Knowledge Boosters To illuminate The Learning Mock Paper For Self-Assessment This Content Useful For Success In The Examination Of B.A, B.SC, M.Com, M.A Study Material Notes Topic Wise Content Fax; E-mail; Video Conferencing; Etc. International Communication; Cultural Sensitiveness And Cultural Context; Writing And Presenting In International Situations; Inter-Cultural Factors In Interactions; Adapting To Global Business.This Post Discusses All The Topic Of Modern Forms Of Communicating.

Section B
Q.1. Discuss modern forms of communication.(2014,15)
Or Write the short notes on ‘E-mail and Fax’.(2014, 15)
Ans. Modern forms of International Communication: Computer technology and telemunication links via satellites are bringing about revolutionary changes in the field of international munication. The barriers of space and time have totally collapsed. Not very long ago it took days to aunicate with someone through a letter but the new STD and ISD facilities have made international
communication an instantaneous process. The world appears to have contacted or been squeezed inte a small room in which, given certain facilities, it is possible to communicate with anyone in any part of the world.
We get a glimpse of the information technology of the future during the election period when election results are critically analysed by a panel of experts in the Doordarshan studio, swings in the voting pattern are visually presented and we are able to hear at the same time the views of different people across the length and breadth of the country. The latest is perhaps the concept of teleconferencing in which various people stationed in different parts of the world can conter with each other as if they were sitting together in a conference room.
New information technology is quicker, safer and less prone to distortion or misrepresentation.
1. Word Processor: A word processor combines in it the characteristics of a computer and a typewriter and can greatly simplify the work of written international communication. To use a word processor efficiently, we need typing skill, basic computer literacy and word processing software. As we type on a word processor, the text appears on a screen. We can revise and edit this text as we like.
(a) We can delete or add words, phrases or sentences wherever we like.
(b) We can move whole sections of the text from one place to another.
(c) We can easily locate where a word or phrase appears, in the text for the first time or it occurs again and we can replace it by another everywhere or at specific place.
(d) Now’spell check’ programmes are also available. Such a programme checks every word in the typed text against a list of correctly spelled words. This eliminates the possibility of any errors in spelling and saves the typist from much embarrassment.
(e) The latest innovation in the field is the development of thesaurus for the computer. So if we are not satisfied with a particular word or.phrase, the screen can throw up several alternatives out of which we can choose the most appropriate one in the given context.
The facilities make the task of revising and editing the text easy. Now we have to give it a proper look on the pages. For this there is another set of facilities available:
(a) The system can be instructed to produce specified top, bottom, right and left margins.
(b) It can centre headings on the page.
(c) There are different types of faces available. So, we can type different parts in different falls to emphasise them and to make the page look interesting.
(d) If our text runs into more than one page, the system can automatically put heading and page number on each page. When we are fully satisfied with the text and its look on the page, we can order a printout.
The Use of Word Processor in Form Letters: Form letters always appeared to be very mechanical and impersonal. Cyclostyled letters with blanks filled in manually or inelegantly typed on a typewriter looked very shabby. The word processor can give them excellent facelift. Various message, carefully drafted for accuracy and precision are already stored in the memory. We can type the address of the person to whom the letter is to be sent and then command the computer to reproduce a particular paragraph. If desirable, we can add a couple of lines to personalise the message. Thus, we can get as many beautifully printed and fully personalised letters as we want in a matter of a few seconds.
2. Telex: The telex is the name given by the post office people to a teleprinter whereby, written message can be communicated from one place to another with the help of a machine The teleprinter consists of two parts, (a) keyboards transmitter and (b) receiver for receiving the coded signals and printing the message. When a message is to be sent, the typist process a button. waits for the dial tone, dials the number desired and if the number is contacted, types the message. The message as turned in the originating office is typed on a small strip of paper at the receiver’s end. This is one of the quickest and most accurate methods of transmitting written international communication.
Since telex messages are also charged according to the number of words contained in them, they have to be composed like a telegram. Telex message must be brief but complete and clear.
3. Facsimile (Fax): Many organisations are now going in for facsimile (fax) transmission facilities. The fax machine is very useful for transmitting visual materials such as diagrams, musta , photographs or copies of artwork visuals. All that we need for it is the fax machine with a connected telephone. As the document to be transmitted is fed through the machine, it is electronically scanned and signals are transmitted to the receiving end where an identical copy of the document is reproduced on a blank sheet of paper by the receiving machine.
The fax machine has made it possible to send copies of important document including cerca degrees, testimonials, agreements and contract from one place to another at the speed of a telephone call. That is why, it is being used almost universally now.
4. Fax-On-Demand (FOD): Fax-On-Demand or FOD is an automated Fax retrieval system by which an organisation can receive requests for information and respond to those requests automatically, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, without ever touching the keyboard.
Organisations desiring of using this mode of international communication should have access to satellite links. An organisation can create a variety of documents like its corporate profiles, information about the products, the latest catalogue, etc. These documents lie stored in the computer with specific code numbers assigned to them. A customer can automatically access any of these documents via a satellite link. On using the code number of the document, he will get it immediately faxed to him. If he is satisfied with the product quality and the price communicated to him and if the organisation has also kept an order form ready in its computer, he can fax the order. And if he encloses his credit card information alongwith the order, the organisation can receive payment by Fax. FOD is a quick mode of international communication needing a high degree of sophistication and ethics.
5. E-mail: E-mail (popular name for electronic mail) involves sending messages via tele international communication links. If two computer terminals, however distant from each other, are connected on network, it is possible to send message from one to the other. The message is typed on a computer screen at one end and is conveyed to the other end through electric impulses. The person operating the computer terminal at the receiving end is alerted by a signal that a message or mail, meant for him is in the electronic mailbox or he can occasionally see his mailbox to check for any incoming mail. Then, he can get it flashed on to a screen immediately or keep it stored and attend to it at leisure.
If the computers have, fax, telephone or telex facilities attached to them, e-mail can be used even to transmit telephonic message or to fax important documents.
To be able to use e-mail all that one needs is an access to a network area, a PC, a telephone, a modem with its software and the basic knowledge of using this software, which is easy to acquire. One doesn’t have to be a computer expert to be able to use e-mail nor does one need a separate telephone line for it. Modems are not very expensive either. It has also been discovered that sending messages by e-mail is quite cost-efficient.
6. Voice Mail: Voice mail, strictly speaking is a form of e-mail only. Here, a message instead of being communicated in a written form, is sent in the voice of the caller. Like e-mail, it is very easy to use and a convenient way of leaving short messages for someone who is not immediately available.
7. Internet: The internet may be defined as a global collection of computers linked together by telephone lines, radio links or satellite links. It has been introduced in India quite recently but being remely versatile and fast, its popularity is increasing day-by-day.
Internet helps us to do the following:
(a) We can send e-mail across the world.
(b) There exist groups of people with common internets. They can all be the buyers of a company’s products or chess lovers. Such interest groups are referred to as mailing lists. We can subscribe to any of such lists, which means that we can receive copies of all the mails sent to the list and we can also send mail to all the subscribers of the list. Thus, internet can be easily used for publicity and advertisement.
(c) We can use it for teleconferencing.
(d) We can have an electronic copy of journals and magazines from the internet.
(e) We can be in touch with people around the world.
(f) We can provide technical support to the customers.
(g) We can do electronic commerce on the internet.
8. Multimedia: Multimedia is a combination of many media brought together to convey a message. cas These media can include graphics, photos, music, voice, text and animations. When the are placed together on computer screen, they become multimedia. Since multimedia combines many different media types, it is a very powerful means of international communication. Besides it is interactive, which means that users can participate in the experience and direct the row of the presentation, underactivity also greatly increases information retention.
Multimedia can be very effectively used for advertising and publicity campaigns. Multimedia demonstrations placed on floppy disks can be a cost efficient way of distributing an eye catching and informative demonstrations of a company’s products and services. Paper brouchers are normally thrown away after a quick glance through them but the chances are that a floppy disk will be viewed with internet and attention.
9. Teleconferencing: Teleconferencing (or videoconferencing) allows people to meet and work collaboratively without having to be together in one room. They could be separated by an office way or by thousand of kilometres that is immaterial. They can hear and see each other and share information with one another as if they were all placed together in one room. Teleconferencing can lead to substantial saving both in terms of money and executives time. In this era of globalisation, when multinationals are simultaneously operating in several countries separated from one another by thousands of kilometres, teleconferencing can prove to be a very effective means of mutual consultation.
10. Telephone Answering Machine: Sometimes telephone message arrive when there is no one personally present to attend to them. In such a case, a telephone answering machine can prove to be very useful. Whenever the telephone bell rings, the machine reproduces a pre-recorded message in response to enquiries made to them. Such messages are usually of routine nature.
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