Modern Forms Of Communicating B.Com 1st Year Long Question Answer Study Notes

Problems from Using Internet (Online Study Material Notes)

Though, internet is the fastest and most convenient form of international communication and provides widest possible range of information, yet there are some problems in using it. Main problems can be summarised as follows:

1. Problem of Language: Mainly English language is used in internet. Therefore, in a country like India where many languages are used, language becomes a barrier in the use of internet.

2. Busy Lines: Though, unlimited knowledge and information is available on internet but the route through which it reaches to the consumer is highly crowded and busy. Therefore, sometimes, users have to wait for a long time to get connected with internet.

3. Problem of Hacking: Hacking is the worst problem in which any person can steal our password and misuse our personal files and records for his benefit.

4. Virus Problem: Some ill minded person or cyber criminals spread viruses which create problems in the working of the internet.

5. Misuse of Information: Some unsocial elements misuse the information provided on the internet. For example, internet also provide information how to make bomb. This information can be misused by the unsocial element to spread fear and violence in the society.

6. Spreading Vulgarity: Internet is misused for spreading interest in vulgar films and literature which produce and make adverse effect on the youth.

7. Misuse of Credit Cards: Misuse of credit cards by criminals is also a big problem while working with internet.

Q.4. What is C to B (Consumer to Business)?(2016) 

Or What is e-commerce? 

Or What is e-commerce? Explain its mechanism, types, advantages and its future in India. 

Or What is e-commerce? Explain its working and what is its future in India? 

Ans. Electronic Commerce or E-commerce: E in this word spells ‘electronic’ and commerce spells business transaction. E-commerce is an ambitious attempt to convert the paper based conventional financial management into a new technological form by means of computer network. Various business associates, companies, customers, consumers, etc. exchange business information through electronic medium with the help of new information technology and computer network, is termed as an e-commerce. Bargaining of commodities or services through electronic medium is e-commerce which can also be regarded as electronic process of international or global business. E-commerce not only replaces the papers but provides them an electronic form by removing various undesirable elemental activities and providing an electronic environment. Consequently, its introduction has evolved new business modus operand.

The advent of e-commerce has ushered in a new era in the global business transaction with the inclusion of computer network, internet, world wide web to EDI (Electronic Data Interchange), e-mail, EBB (Electronic Bulletin Board), EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer) and other useful techniques etc. 

Working or Mechanism of E-commerce Notes

E-commerce is based on electronic data interchange according to which the conversion of data and its transferring is facilitated. Under this provision, when a customer selects an item on website and executes a bargain then to make its payment, he is required to fill up a form on the computer itself on which the information of the credit card number, the amount of the bill, the name of the receiving firm, etc. is to be furnished. Following this, the amount gets deducted from the customer’s account and deposited in the account of the firm. Under the electronic data interchange, a new process has been evolved according to which the bank can issue a cheque duly digital signed on computer. These cheques are termed as net cheque. This procedure is implemented only in those countries where the digital signatures have legal validity.

 Types of E-commerce Study Material In English

E-commerce transaction can be classified as under:

1.C2 B (Consumer to Business): It is an off shoot of tele-shopping, mail order and telephone order, etc. Commonly, this kind of e-commerce involves sellers and consumers engaged in commercial activities through computer network or internet. The manufacturing companies inform their consumers about their new products through the medium of e-commerce website on internet. The consumers open the websites by means of internet surfing and enter into bargains with these companies on their products or services. These companies provide the consumers with the information about the modes of payment. 25% of the total e-commerce business transactions are executed in this manner.

2. B 2 B (Business to Business): Business to business e-commerce helps in escalating the commercial activities by creating a congenial climate and reducing the cost factors. On account of advent and advantages of internet, B 2 B has helped in taking safety measures in the business ishments and has further paved a way to its increasing significance. Fire ball, secured electronic tion, encryption or virtual private network, etc. are the techniques provided through internet helping in conducting a safe business transaction. This kind of e-commerce claims 70% of its contribution of the total e-commerce.

3. Internal Procurement: This involves the international buying that takes place among the multinational organisations or the companies dominating vast geographical areas in their different department and associate branches.

The processing of sales order, billing, money transaction and various other business related activities, etc. on internet make the companies manage their cost-saving devices. Several companies are conducting their business activities by connecting their enterprise resource planning to the websites. Their common purpose in availing the e-commerce facilities is to ensure a safe and a viable passage to the international marketing beyond the limits of the established commercial organisations,

Advantages of E-commerce: The advantages of e-commerce are as follows: 

1. Manufacturing companies and their business associates are assisted in transacting their business information, hence cost-saving. 

2. Easy access to the new markets and the customers. 

3. Convenience in replenishment of stock as per demand. 

4. Opportunities in improving the customer services to their satisfaction. 

5. Convenience in incorporating the services with the new products and items. 

6. More time-devotion to business. 

7. Establishing better relations with customers. 

8. Authenticity of figures and statistics in documents or authentic documentation. 

9. Saving the expenditure on showrooms or other infrastructures.

10. Possibilities of new business. 

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