B.Com 1st Year Body Language Very Short Question Answer Notes
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Q.1. What is non-verbal communication?
Ans. Non-verbal Communication: The word ‘non-verbal means not involving words or speech. Thus, a non-verbal communication is a wordless message received through the medium of gestures, signs, body movements, facial expressions, tone of voice, colour, time, space, style of writing and choice of words. It is not necessary to communicate verbally all the time for conveying the messages.It is also possible to communicate without words, i.e. through non-verbal communication. Sometimes it also called as ‘the silent language?
Non-verbal communication is often used to supplement verbal communication by highlighting or reinforcing parts of a verbal message. Non-verbal communication is generally uncertain, both in meaning and in likelihood of receipt. The meaning of non-verbal communication is particularly ambiguous, when it is inconsistent with a simultaneously transmitted verbal message.
Q.2. Explain the role of body language in effective communication.
Or What do you understand by body language?
Ans. Body Language: Body language is a form of mental and physical abilities of human non-verbal communication, which consists of body postures, gestures, facial expressions and eye movements. Humans send and interpret such signals almost entirely. It may provide clues as to the attitude or state of mind of a person. For example, it may indicate agression, attentiveness, boredom, relaxed state, pleasure, amusement and intoxication among many other clues.
Role of Body Language: The role of body language in effective communication is as under:
1. Body language complements verbal communication.
2. In face-to-face communication, no message can be completely sent across without the accompaniment of facial expressions and gestures. It helps in establishing rapport
3. Body language add intensity to the process of communication. In the absence of any gestures and proper eye contact, any face-to-face communication will look uninspiring,
4. Body language is an easily visible aspect of communication. It, therefore, helps the receiver of the message in decoding the message.
5. Body language goes a long way in improving the overall atmosphere in the organisation. A resourceful manager can make a very effective use of it.
6. Body language provides a ready feedback to communication. It helps in sustaining communication by emphasising or illustrating the points made in verbal communication.
7. Body language is said to be the mirror of our heart and window of our soul. Thus, it speake of status also. Postures and pestures of persons of higher status differ from that of persons of lower status.
8. Body language reveals the truth. It speaks our emotions and Feelings.
Q.3. Describe in brief the role of different parts of body in communication.
Ans. Body Language: Human body and its various parts play an important role in communication The study of messages conveyed by body movements is known as body language or kinesics, just as language uses symbols to convey meaning, our body convey message.
Man may play with words but his body speaks the truth. Therefore, a careful study of signals sent out by human body can tackle issues before they become problems.
Body movements of a person are guided by his thoughts and feelings. The nodding of head blinking of eyes, waving of hands, shrugging of shoulders, etc. are all expressions of human thoughts and feelings. Body language also communicates status. For example, a. soldier standing before his army officer is in attention and tense his posture conveys subservience. The body postures of the officers (relaxed and at ease) reflects his higher status. Similarly, superiors in a meeting appear strong and fearless.
The role of different parts of body in communication is given below:
1. Head: A head raised high is a sign of honour, self-respect and self-confidence. A head bent low, on the other hand, show modesty, politeness and guilt. A satiffy, held or backwards iaw a u indicates pride or naughtiness.
Nodding the head shows listener’s response to the speaker. Thus, the posture and movement, of head are very important in face-to-face communication.
2. Face: Face has been called the mirror of the mind because whatever a person feels deep inside is reflected on his face. Every facial muscle is an instrument of face-to-face communication. The lines of forehead, the eyebrows, the muscles of cheeks, lips all speak louder than words. A great amount of regular practice is required to control feelings and adopt positive attitudes in all situations.
3. Eyes: Eyes communicate our deepest feelings. Therefore, eye contact is of great importance in face-to-face communication. Eyes adopt different positions in different situations. Fixed eyes show concentration, raised eyes indicate surprise or fear, smiling eyes reflect happiness. A long fixed eye show interest whereas evasive eyes indicate lack of interest or nervousness.
4. Gestures: Gestures refer to the movement of our arms, legs, hands, torso, etc. Arms spread out convey the meaning of wide, shuffling legs indicate nervousness, on erect torso reflects intensity Similarly, pounding of fist on a table shows anger while a forefinger raised above the head shows ‘Number 1:
5. Body Shape and Posture: Standing or sitting erect, leaning forward and backward, stretching or bending sideways all convey meanings. A person can make positive or negative impression of himself or others through his body posture. Therefore, we should make efforts to ensure that our body does not out wrong signals in interviews, meetings and formal interactions. It requires regular practice to ensure that our body talks positive.
B.Com 1st Year Body Language Very Short Questions Answers Study Notes
Q.4. Explain in brief the forms of proxemics. (2018)
Ans. There are four forms of proxemics as given below:
1. Intimate distance is that which is used for very confidential communication.This zone of distance is characterised by 0 to 2 feet of space between two individuals
2. Personal distance is used for talking with family and close friends Although it gives a person a little more space than intimate distance, it is still very close in proximity to
that of intimacy, and may involve touching. Personal distance can range from 2 to 4 feet.
3. Social distance is used in business transactions, meeting new people and interacting with groups of people.Social distance has a large range in the distance that it can incorporate from 4 to 12 feet, it is clear that social distance depends on the situation.
4. Public distance is measured at 12 or more feet between persons.
Q.5. What is para language? What are its limitations? Why should para language be used? (2015)
Ans. Para Language: The non-verbal factors like tone of voice, the emphasis given, the breaks in she sentence, the speed of delivery, the degree of loudness or softness and the pitch of the voice, which affect the spoken words is called para language.
Para language is a study of how a speaker verbalises. Voice quality and the extra sounds one makes while speaking are also a part of non-verbal communication. It shows as to how the words are spoken and uttered. The word para refers to ‘like’ thus, para language is like language. The language operates an signs and signals and stresses on ‘how rather than on what, as in other forms of communication, The para language acts as a middle path between verbal and non-verbal communication. It tells the communicators on how to communicate and not what to communicate
Limitations of Para Language: The various limitations of para language are listed below:
1. Lack of Uniformity: Para language does not bring uniformity in communicating because of speakers belonging to different communities and cultures.
2. Requisition of Patience: Para language requires the listener to be patient and open minded as it may necessarily prejudice him because of speakers voice quality or pitch.
3. Chances of Misguiding or Misleading: Para language sometimes misguides or misleads the receiver of the messages as he may not be able to understand the message in its original form.
4. Requires Attention for Understanding: Para language requires a lot of attention on the part om listener. He analyses as to what is said and how to say it.
5 Lack of Reliability: ‘Para language is like language but not language! It cannot, thus, be relied upon completely
Role of Para language in Communication: Para language is used for the following purposes:
1. Completion of Message: Para language helps in proper completion of the message as it is very closely allied to language.
2. Personaland Educational Background of the Sender: Para language is helpful in understanding the personal and educational background of the sender of the communication.
3. Regional or National Background: Para language itself speaks of the communicator’s regional or national background and tends to be very helpful in understanding the message.
4. Mental State of the Communication: Para language gives clues about the mental state of the communicator’s regional or national background and tends to be very helpful in understanding the message.
5. Learning Exercise: Para language helps the receiver to learn from the signals and thus is a good learning exercise for an attentive listener.
Q.6. Write a short note on sign language.
Ans. Human beings communicate in many ways other than through words. Words often fail to convey the exact meaning. Therefore, pictures, drawings, sounds are often used to convey messages The practice of drum beating in jungles has been used for communication from the very beginning of history. All these means (other than words) used in communication are known as non-verbal communication.
Sign Language: Sign language involves use of audio and visual signals.
1. Audio (sound) Signals: Drum beating is used to make important announcement and to tell people to assemble at a specified place. Several types of alarm signals are used to caution people like are alarm, accident alarm, air raid or assault alarms, VIP motorcade alarm, machine breakdown alarm. A clock alarm is used to make us aware of our time.
Buzzers push button bells, electric bells and other sound signalling systems are used in offices. rens, hooters and whistlers are the other various types of examples of audio signals. The main advantages of audio signals are given below:
(a) Audio signals convey the message very quickly. For example, the hooting of a siren in a factory immediately makes the workers active.
(b) Audio signals are very useful for managing time.
(c) The working of an organisation can be streamlined with the help of buzzers and such other audio signals.
2. Visual Signals: Visual signals such as posters, drawings, cartoons, phong statues, etc. are used to convey the messages for general information and education bOOKS On Geography, Science, History, Economics, etc. always contain maps and diagrams. Colour photographs are used by hotels, tour and travel agencies, motor companies, etc. all over the world. Similarly, traffic lights and lights at railway stations and airports convey relevant information to people. Lights on top of ambulance, VIP vehicles and neon signs are useful means of communication. Lights are also used to mark festivals, celebrations, etc. Flags, flowers and bouquets convey relevante message.
Q.7. Explain the language barriers. (2017)
Ans. Language Barriers: Language is a prominent medium to circulate our messag it also creates barriers in delivering the proper message which are as follows:
1. Due to Multiple Meaning of a Word: Many words have multiple meanings. At some occasion such a words like ‘spring’, ‘check. ‘ring’ have more than one means. Some words like ‘present, transfer. ‘record are used as verb and as noun with a difference in meaning some words like cite-site-right and flour-floor-flower can cause misunderstanding in speech.
2. Due to Showing More Than One Thing: A concrete noun of an article like table may suggest a statistical table, a writing table, a toy table or even a dining table. In the same way, chair can suggest various types.
3. Emotional Attitudes: Due to emotional attitudes for different things can evoke different responses in different persons. For example, the word ‘dog’ may evoke different attitudes depending on a person’s past experience with that animal as well as cultural attitude towards the animal.
4. Barrier Due to Jargon Terms: Jargon and technical terms are limited to the group of persons who work together. Technical terms have special meaning. They can create confusion to others.
5. Personal Meaning of Language: Every home as organisation has its own developed language from interesting incidents. This language should not be used in communication to outsiders, otherwise it will become language barrier in conveying the message.
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