B.Com 1st Year Body Language Very Short Question Answer Notes

Q.11. Describe the importance of effective listening. 

Ans. Effective listening is an essential part to communication process.

The abinty to listen is an important skill for managers because this skill helps them in performing their duties and responsibilities in an effective way.

Different studies show that workers spend 63% time in listening, 22% time in speaking, 11% in writing and 4% in reading. Therefore, listening is an important function in a business organisation. Importance of effective listening can be revealed as follows:

Increase Efficiency. Listening increases the overall efficiency of the wor attentively removes the chances of mistake and thus decrease the repetition of work and loss of time. 

2. Helpful in Decision Making: Better policies and decisions can be made only through proper listening. If the management listen carefully to the views of their subordinates and co-workers, then it help them in deciding as to what policy would be suitable in their organisation. 

3. Establish Good Business Relations: When demands and grievances of workers listened carefully and patiently by the higher authorities, then they become more cooperative and problems responsible. Listening helps in building good relations with workers and create the feelings of importance, recognition and appreciation among the employees.

4. Listening Ensures Trust: Good listening indicates that the listener is honest and trusts on the speaker. Such a situation leads to free communication between them and inter-personal contact is immediately established.

5. Useful for Learning: Listening also proves helpful to get new ideas and opinions. Learning is so closely related with listening that one may almost say: No listening, no learning. Thus, listening plays an important role in enhancing the level of knowledge of the people.

6. Helpful in Finding the Real Meaning of the Message: With effective listening, a person can get the real meaning of the message. It helps in making the better decisions as the message received is of good quality.

7. Create Peaceful Environment: Listening about the feelings, ideas and suggestions of the workers can prove helpful in creating the peaceful environment in an organisation Listening patiently and calmly can reduce the anger and excitement of the workers. Sensitive matters can be solved easily with the help of effective listening.

8 Provide Necessary Information: Necessary information can only be adopted through effective listening, if a person makes on listening,  then he become unknown to the circumstances. It affects his efficiency adversely.

Q.12. What makes people poor listeners? Suggest how one can overcom listening. 

Ans. Any interference or noise thatinterferes with the nistening process can create misunderstanding fusion and leads to communication breakdown. This makes a speaker disturbed and a listener becomes poor listener. Some barriers that make people poor listeners are as follow :

1.Physical distractions and disturbances disrupt the process of listening like noise or physical discomfort.

2. Feelings of anger, frustration, sadness, anxiety or fear influence listening,

3. Different cultures also affect listening process. 

Overcoming Barriers to Listening

The techniques to overcome poor listening includes:

1. A listener must exhibit behaviour of making eye contact that encourages the speaker, 

2. A listener must show that he is interested in listening,

3. Avoiding actions, mental presence, etc. are some other measures of exhibiting interest in listening. 

4 An errective listener always asks questions, clarifies doubts, seeks explanations, etc, 

5. Good listeners interpret the speaker after completing his speech, 

6. A listener must not interrupt to question or argue about facts,

7. A listener must not play with papers, pencils or anything else while listening. 

8 When faced with a genuine request for opinion, he must give it hones. 

9. The total meaning of the message that is being communicated must be me 

10. Main points are required to be searched out. 

11. An angry person almost inevitably gets wrong meanings from words. 

12. Many listeners mistake silence for listening.

13. It is desirable to drop attitudes about a speaker. 

Q.13. What are the principles of effective listening? 

Ans. The principles of effective listening are as follows:

1. Courtesy: Courtesy is the first important ingredient of effective listening. It implies that the audience should respect the speaker and his sentiments. By doing so, they will be able to listen carefully to the speaker.

2. Comprehension: It is not only important to hear but to understand the message also. The following points are to be taken care of:

(a) To look towards the speaker. 

(b) To listen attentively to the message. 

(c) Not to feel disturbed or distracted by noise and interruption 

(d) To adopt a clear perception and sympathetic approach towards the speaker. 

(e) To understand the sequence of the message. 

(f) To contemplate over the message seriously. 

(g) To adopt an open approach.

3. Appreciation: It is advisable for the audience to receive the message with a sportsman’s spirit. If the audience already feels despirited, the result of communication would go contrarywise. Thus, good and responsible audience should not have a narrow or limited perception. To accord appreciation, the audience should be physically and psychologically free from tension and adopt a positive attitude and a sympathetic approach.

4. Evaluation: Evaluation of any message is really a difficult task and a critical analysis is to be done to arrive at a good understanding. While doing the analytical job, the audience must take into consideration the main points and the logical application to the message. Besides, if the speaker has used any other material to make his message more effective and meaningful, the audience, before reaching any conclusion, should also think over the validity of such a material.

5. Reaction: When an audience feels convinced with the speaker’s points of view after a rigorous analytical process, he must act upon the speaker’s wishes and responds to the message. In case of Some doubt, the audience must take a contact with the speaker to seek a clarification.

Q.14. What is meant by interview? Discuss its advantages. 

Ans. Interview: An interview is a face-to-face interaction between the interviewer and the candidate so as tontan desired information from him It can also he defined as a way between individuals by using a common set of symbols. Interviews generally need a preparation.

A job interview is a process in which a potential emplovee is evaluated by an employer for prospective employment in their company, organisation or firm. During this process, the employer hopes to determine whether or not the applicant is suitable for the job.

Advantages: The advantages of interview are given below:

1. The greatest value is the depth and detail of information that can be secured. 

2. The interviewer can do more to improve the percentage of responses and quality of information 

3. Interview is flexible and adaptable to individual situations.

4. The interviewer can gather other supplemental information through observation of respondent’s environment. 

5. The accuracy and dependability of answers can be checked by observation and probing.

Q.15. What is a resume? What are the points to be considered by you while preparing a resume? 

Or Write a short note on resume.(2015) 

Ans. Resume or Bio-data: Resume is a mirror of one’s personality, a document of his quanications, experience and other life achievements, etc. A resume for a person who is in search of a job in some organisation is an essential presentation in communication process. It is through resume that he is able to convey his qualification and experience, etc. to his proposed employer. 

Points to be considered at the Time of Writing Resume

1. A resume should be factual and concise. 

2. Its language should be simple and clear. 

3. It should create an impact on the reader. 

4. All information must be honest and true. 

5. It should be free from grammatical errors. 

6. Special qualifications must be mentioned. 

7. It must be prepared very carefully and skilfully. 

8. All the points which tend to favour employment must be mentioned. 

9. Untrue or incomplete information must be avoided. 

10. Other information related to the job are also considered.

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