B.Com 1st Year Self Development And Communication Long Question Answers Notes
(a) Long Chain of Command: When the scalar chain is unduly long, distance between top manager and workers increases. As a result, downward and upward message have to pass through several levels causing delay and distortions.
(b) Poor Spatial Arrangements: Faulty arrangement of furniture, partitions, pathway, etc. prevent eye contact between the speaker and his listeners. Spatial arrangements also create emotional disturbance. Some persons do not like to work too close to other persons.
(c) Inappropriate Medium: Each method is appropriate in specific situations. Choice and use of an unsuitable medium may act as a barrier to communication.
4. Socio-psychological Barriers
Social and psychological facts are the most difficult barriers to communication. These consist of the following:
(a) Attitudes and Opinions: Personal attitudes and opinions often interfere with communication. If the message is consistent with our attitudes and opinions we receive it favourably. The message fits comfortably in the filter of our mind. On the other hand, if the message is contrary to our expectations, beliefs and cherished values, we do not react favourably to it.
(b) Emotions: Emotions block our mind, blow our thinking and we fail to organise the message properly. For example, the sender of a message fails to speak clearly when he is overexcited, worried nervous or angry. An extremely angry speaker offensive style) falters in his speech and repeats the same words again and again. Similarly, the receiver cannot hear or read the message successfully
(c) Status and Fear: Status distinctions exist in every organistaion and status consciousness serves as a major barrier to communication.
Subordinates are either too conscious to their low status or too afraid of being snubbed. They are afraid of communicating upward only.
(d) Closed Mind: A person may have a closed mind dueto deeprooted prejudices and superiority complex, limited intellectual background, narrow interest, etc., It is very difficult to communicate with such a person. He is not willing to listen and ist snot prepared to reconsider his opinion. He is met open to conviction and persuasion. He hold his opinion so rigidly that he just refuses to listen.
(e) Inattention: Lack of attention on the part of listener or reader is a common barrier to communication. Inattention arises due to mental preoccupation or distinction
(f) Distrust: communication. Is likely to fail when the receiver has a suspicion about the source of communication.
(g) Premature Evaluation: Some people form a judgement before receiving the complete message. Such premature evoluation prevents effective communication. Once one forms a judgement or response, our mind is closed to the rest of the message.
(h) Poor Retention: In the process of transmission, part message is screened and only a part of it is transmitted further
(i) Perceptual Distortion: Perception implies noticing and under unique PRECONCEPTION depending upon his past experiences, attitudes and interests.
(j) Resistance to Change: When a message urges some change a change, the process of the communication is hampered. The recen as he refuses to accept the change.
Q.11. Explain the meaning, objectives, advantages and disadvantages the main requisites for successful group discussion?
Ans. Meaning of Group Discussion: Refer to Sec-A, 0.14,
Table of Contents
Objectives of Group Discussion
Group discussion has the following objectives:
1. Making Decision: In group discussion, the participants are very intelligent and expert who lead the discussion to take important decisions, rendering the group discussion instrumental in content of the decision-making process.
2. Solving Problem: It is by means of a group discussion, that organisational problems are solved by taking into account the healthy suggestions and constructive opinions.
3. Exchanging Ideas: Main aim of group discussion is to discuss a problem among the members of group. They exchange their ideas and try to find a solution of problem, Advantages of Group Discussion
Following are the advantages of group discussion:
1. In a group discussion, the decisions are the outcome of collective opinions and, therefore are
acceptable to all but the decisions taken on individual level are hardly endorsed by all.
2. A group discussion generates more beautiful ideas and thoughts.
3. A group discussion implies a collective endorsement, so they are more authentic and valuable.
4. A group discussion is privileged with the valuable expert opinions, which must be cashed in.
5. A group discussion is based on collective opinions that are formed keeping the social implications in mind which sustain cordial relations between the managers and their subordinates. A collective discussion provides more strength to an organisation
6. Group discussion helps in efficient utilisation of resources. Available reso
utilisation of resources. Available resources are allocated in the manner that it may produce best possible results.
7. Group discussion promotes division of labour. People specializing
their views in the field of their expertise.
Disadvantages of Group Discussion
Following are the disadvantages of group discussion:
1. Group discussion involves a diversity of opinions and it becomes problematic to assign any specific accountability to an individual and it is more difficult to determine that the decision specific accountability to an individual and it is more difficult to determine that the decision arrived at, is whose outcome as a matter of ideology.
2. Collective decisions, sometimes, tend to be the product of difference of opinions, hence not welcomed by all.
3. Group discussion is an expensive process. Sanding notice to the members, fixing a place for the meeting and arranging for tea, etc. are all things to be done for group discussion.
4. Sometimes, in a group discussion, the decisions are attributed to some important experts which leads to dissension in the group.
5. A group discussion is an encroacher upon time. For so many are the participants, so many are their opinions whereas and individual decision is frugal in terms of time.
6. Sometimes, an undue or a prolonged discussion becomes deterrent to any final solution and the objectives are left in a state of abeyance.
Requisites of Successful Group Discussion
Following are the main requisites of successful group discussion:
1. Participative Discussion: Group discussion should be held in participative man of group should be encouraged to give their opinion and views. All members should have positive attitude.
2. Preparation for Group Discussion: Date, time, venue and duration of discussion should be decided and informed to the members well in advance. Purpose of discussion should be clearly and Expectations from members should also be made clear to them.
3. Co-operative Environment: Group discussion should be held in a co-operative environment so that all members may express their views and give their opinion freely and frankly.
4. Positive and Constructive Approach: All the members of group should have a positive approach. They should come with a view to reach at a decision. No one should be adhere says or thinks. Every member should listen the views of other members and accept them if applicable.
5. Preference to the Group Interests: Group discussion can be successful only if group interests are protected and individual interests are sacrificed. Every member should realise that he can prosper only if his organisation is prosperous.
Q.12. What do you mean by group discussion? Discuss the prior conditions and advantages of group discussions.(2017)
Ans. Group Discussion: Refer to Sec-A, Q.14.
Prior Conditions of Group Discussion: A group discussion may take place in a formal or an informal meeting. The group discussion may be conducted in various ways, as it depends upon its purpose, size and group. Some discussion may fall at fixed intervals. Such a group discussion has fixed agenda and business to be conducted. These group discussions are formed ones. For a successful group discussion we have to observe some conditions. These prior conditions can be discussed in the following manner:
1. Group discussion is a systematic process. For the outcome of process, participants should follow a procedure which is established by procedure.
2. It should be known to each member of the discussion that he has to follow the code of conduct of that group discussion. He has to behave in the fixed parameter and know what to do and what not to do.
3. Process, discipline and protocols are to be observed according to the established principles of the organisation.
4. A sense participation must be there in each participating member, as the group discussion is a nice platform of excellent education for all persons who take part in it.
5. The group discussion costs money and time, so the organisation needs people who have skill to make the best use of the discussion. Ability to participate effectively in a group discussion is an important asset.
6. Object of the group discussion should be aimed with very clear vision. Some objective can be mentioned thus:
(a) to arrive at an unanimity,
(b) to collect group opinion,
(c) to make consent on some burning issue,
(d) to get feedback,
(e) to solve a problem,
(f) to collect ideas,
(g) to learn something new and train, and
(h) to understand overall situation.
7. The seating arrangement, duration of discussion, number of participating members, subject and objective of meeting should be decided in advance.
8. The convener or the leader has the responsibility to ensure that the arrangements are made properly. A member of the staff may be assigned the duty of arrangement for the place. The person making the arrangement must be briefed properly and given a check list to work from.
9. The list of participants and date, time and venue of the discussion should be circulated in advance to each participating member and office bearers.
Advantages of Group Discussion: Refer to Sec-B, Q.11.
Q.13. Write a detailed note on report writing.
Or What are the characteristics of report writing? Explain the importance and merits of report.
Ans. Report writing is an important organisational activity. It is a part of a process in which detailed information or knowledge is imparted or made available to those who require it. During business, there are myriads of occasions when report writing is required. From time to time, a lower level officer has to send a report to his boss. In fact, the report is an effort to present facts in an organised and systematic way, on the basis of which conclusions and suggestions are drawn and presented. To sum up, it can be said that report is a statement prepared to present facts relating to planning, coordination, performance and general state of business in an organisation.
“Report writing is such a draft with a purpose of furnishing information on the basis of which a problem is studied that includes an inference, and also relevant suggestions and proposals!
‘A report is the system of communication from someone who has some information to someone who wants to use that information.’ -C.A. Brown
Characteristics of Report Writing
The important characteristics of report writing are as follows:
1. Clarity: A report should be written in such a manner that the reader when goes through it must understand its meaning which the writer intends to convey.
2. Language: The language of a report should be simple and clear and it should be in the form of a speech.
3. Accurate: A good report must refer to an accurate detail of facts and if facts are not authentic the reader will face difficulty and problem.
4. Concise: A report must be brief, ‘Brevity is the soul of wit. But it does not mean exclusion of facts. It should be in a condensed form, saying all in a fewer words.
5. Orderly Communication: A report should be orderly and carefully drafted or compiled.
6. Objective: It is an objective information based on facts.
7. Communication: Report implies a communication with multiple meanings that involves an exchange of information in terms of oral, written or drawing and pictorial form.
Importance of Report
Report provides very important information to the managers on the basis of which decisions are taken. The reports act like a reporter who informs the managers, what is happening in and around the organisations. The managers need the written reports on the issues related to organisation, employees, directors and management standards, etc., which are obtained from the office record. The complaints
or grievances of the bottom line employees are sent to the higher ups through the medium of reports. As an example, a mechanic submits that his machine is not functioning properly and on at his machine is not functioning properly and on the basis of this
om the report, the manager can take a decision that it should not be purchased immediately. Apart in inside reports, an organisation is also to send reports to the external agencies, from time to time, such as journalists, public, government and municipal employees, customers and different partners, etc. the partners or shareholders receive such kind of information throught report also.
Merits of Report
The merits of report are as follows:
1. Clarity: A good report is a good sign which contains the very true facts that can be literally understood by the readers. Thus, a report must be grammatically correct with the proper use of grammatical signs, word music, etc. An obscure language should be avoided.
2. Accuracy: All information should be factual without any scope of error. A report based on distorted or erroneous facts can lead to a wrong-decision. As such, the report writer must narrate what actually he has seen or observed. A report must be objective and not subjective.
3. Conciseness: As far as possible, the entire detail in the report should be brief, economical and condensed in form. Vast ideas should be encompassed into a little space.
4. Word Economy/Functional Intensity: In a lengthy report, the chances of errors and mistake are more. Brevity also does not mean an exclusion of facts. Thus, report writing is a sensitive job and every caution should be taken in report making.
5. Relevance: A good report must be strictly to the point and relevant to the context of the subject. Nothing unnecessary should be added to.
6. Must serve the Purpose: A report is prepared with a specific purpose which must be served. For instance, a fax-machine is stolen from an office and a report is sought to fix the responsibility otherwise the report would be rendered unless if no responsibility is assigned or the report advises the preventive measures to check the theft.
7. Suitably Drafted: A report should be nicely and suitably drafted which must be marked with a title and a reference to the context. All the new ideas or fcts should be indicated in a separate index, inferences and suggestions should be given in the end. A report must bear the date of its presentation and also the signature of its transmitter/organizer/producer.
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